Content Information
The study contents are based on essential contents of the Electrical Engineering study programme (approx. 80%). The study programme is supplemented with content from Education (approx. 20%).
One course – two vocations: Are you passionate about electronics and computer science? At the same time, you can imagine passing on knowledge to young people? Even during your studies, you can work on future-oriented projects and familiarise yourself with local industrial companies. The study programme “Engineering Education in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology” ensures you are prepared in optimal fashion for a career in industry, as well as for teaching positions.
Further Engineering Education degree programmes
Campus City Centre
Period in semester7 Semester
Languages of instructionGerman/English
Enrolment PeriodsWinter semester: 30 April to 15 September
Summer semester: 31 October to 1 March
The study contents are based on essential contents of the Electrical Engineering study programme (approx. 80%). The study programme is supplemented with content from Education (approx. 20%).
Whether you choose to pass on your knowledge to young people or pursue a career in traditional engineering. Both paths are open to you.
As an electrical engineer, you will work at the interface to Mechanics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Management after your graduation. As a specialist in the key disciplines of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, you find yourself in demand on the labour market,and all sectors are open to you.
The Bachelor’s degree certifies that you are able to teach technical content. Amongst others, a career in corporate education and human resources management is open to you.
A subsequent Master’s degree at the PH Ludwigsburg qualifies you as a higher educationacademiclecturer (“Lehrkraft im Höheren Dienst”) with teaching qualifications ENAT (Energy and Automation Technology) and SIT (Systems and Information Technology).
There are no admission restrictions for this degree programme.
You enrol and secure your place on the degree programme for the upcoming semester.
For admission to the engineering education degree programme, you need proof of a 12-week preliminary internship.
Check the requirements
Do you have a university entrance qualification (e.g. Abitur/Fachhochschulreife), a school leaving qualification from a country other than Germany, or a vocational qualification? If you do, you have already fulfilled the first requirement.
Register on HEonline and choose a degree programme
Use your personal details to register on the HEonline Campus Management System and choose the degree programme you want to take.
Upload your documents
Upload your documents and certificates onto the HEonline Campus Management System. We must have your documents by the enrolment deadline at the latest.
Receive your confirmation of admission and accept the university place you are offered
When you have submitted all the necessary information, you will receive an email with the pro forma letter of admission with the offer of a place at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. You can now accept the offer of a place in your HEonline account.
Apply to enrol
When you have uploaded all your documents and certificates by the deadline specified and paid the mandatory fees and subscriptions, you must confirm your details and submit them to us. This automatically submits your enrolment application. You are then enrolled for the upcoming semester at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. You will receive an email welcoming you to Esslingen and providing you with some initial information.
Do you love technical and digital challenges? Do you enjoy passing on knowledge and can you imagine working in training and further education? Do you like working with young people and would you like to teach later? Then this degree programme will be an interesting option for you. After graduation, you decide whether you want to work as an engineer or in education and training or apprenticeship.
I trained as an electrical engineer before going to university. When I realised that I wanted to study, I also wanted to stay true to the subject. I researched the available study programmes and came across Engineering Education. I find it hugely interesting, above all from the point of view of combining the technical with the pedagogical.
Yvonne Lassak, Student in Engineering Education Electrical Engineering – Information TechnologyBoth paths are open to you: A career in training, further education, apprenticeship or the classic route as an engineer.
You will link your theoretical knowledge in numerous laboratories, project and group work with practice.
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is one of only five universities in Baden-Württemberg to offer you this unique programme.
In the heart of the high-performance economic region of Stuttgart, you have the best career prospects after graduation.
Partnerships with the University of Tübingen and PH Ludwigsburg ensure the high standard of the educational content.
The study contents are based on essential contents of the innovative Electrical Engineering study programme.
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