Doctoral studies at Esslingen

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences offers graduates with a Master’s degree from a university or university of applied sciences the opportunity to obtain a further qualification by doing their doctoral studies in a research project.

It provides various support services, e. g. the collaborative doctoral programmes listed below, to ensure the doctoral students have appropriate support. These are offered in cooperation with the various universities where the doctoral students can undertake their doctoral work. The students are supervised by professors at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and also at their particular university.

To lay the foundations to become authorised doctoral degree-awarding bodies in their own right, 24 universities of applied sciences (HAWs) in Baden-Württemberg have joined forces and established the HAW Association for Doctoral Studies Baden-Württemberg. Esslingen is likewise a member of this Association, and more detailed information including the relevant statutes and regulations can be found on the Association website.

Contact details and vacancies

If you have any questions relating to “doctoral studies”, please contact the Research and Transfer Unit by email promovieren(at)

Academic vacancies can be found via the Jobs in HE-Personal page; general vacancies can be found via Esslingen University’s job portal.

Collaborative Doctoral Programmes


Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes

Your personal contactContact us

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Gühring

Tel: +49 711 397-4376
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