In Baden-Württemberg, tuition fees are generally not charged for Bachelor's degree programs and consecutive Master's degree programs.
Tuition fees may be charged for some of our part-time master's programs, especially for programs offered jointly with other institutions and sponsors. For more information, please refer to the relevant study programs.
Every semester each student has to contribute administration fees.
Fees for International Students
Students who are not nationals of a member state of the European Union or another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area are generally required to pay tuition fees in Baden-Württemberg. The amount of fees for international students is 1500,- Euro per semester.
The law provides for a few exceptional cases in which international students are not required to pay fees. If you fulfill these and prove this in time before enrollment or re-registration by appropriate documents, you do not have to pay the tuition fees for international students. Read more
(Students who go for a second undergraduate or a second or Master's degree program after completing a university degree program in Germany must pay a tuition fees of 650 euros per semester.)
Tuition fee waiver for particularly talented international students
In addition to the statutory grounds for exemption, particularly talented international students have the opportunity to apply for exemption from tuition fees. The exemption is granted in accordance with the relevant statutes. Applications for this must be submitted in due time via the application form:
- Application period: Summer semester 2025
- Application deadline: 13.03.2025 (start of application 17.02.2025 )
- Required documents:
- Resume
- Current transcript of grades (For first-year students: (recognized) certificates of university admission)
- Certificate of study
- Passport copy
- Optional: Letter of recommendation/evaluation
- Optional: Certificate of previous studies (e.g. Bachelor)
- Optional: Other relevant and important documents related to the criteria
Note: The tuition fees of the International Industrial Management (MBA) programme are not tuition fees in the sense of the Landeshochschulgebührengesetz (LHGebG §3). Applications from students of this degree programme can therefore not be considered.
Application Form