Diversity and Inclusion

Lifestyle diversity is a human right forming part of the principle of equality – and thus Esslingen University of Applied Sciences perceives one of its inherent tasks as being to establish and safeguard the consideration and protection of the diversity of its students, lecturers and staff in all areas. Esslingen University of Applied Sciences considers itself to be an open-minded and outward-looking institution and wants to actively embody democratic values and participation.

Inclusion plays an important role at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. The stated objective of the university’s agenda for action is full and effective participation on an equal footing of all members of the university.


The universities in Baden-Württemberg have undertaken to actively oppose discrimination of any kind and to protect against discrimination from the very start where possible. Pursuant to the Baden-Württemberg Higher Education Act, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, too, has appointed an Anti-Discrimination Representative and thus taken a clear stance against discrimination.

Members of the university (students, staff, lecturers) may contact the Anti-Discrimination Representative at any time if they experience any discrimination or have any questions concerning discrimination. All information and details provided, and any discussions which may take place, shall be treated in the strictest confidence. We furthermore assure all members of the university that nothing will be undertaken without their consent.

Protection against sexual harassment and violence Aktiv gegen sexuelle Belästigung

We do not condone sexual harassment, sexualised discrimination or any other forms of violence. Esslingen University of Applied Sciences has a clear position against any form of behavioural transgression. It actively undertakes to prevent sexual harassment and to protect anyone affected by it on all three campuses.

To promote the respectful collaboration of women and men on an equal footing on all levels of academic and non-academic work, and to create and maintain a pleasant working atmosphere, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences adopted a comprehensive set of guidelines against sexualised discrimination, harassment and violence as far back as 2008. Since 2015, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences has appointed representatives who can be contacted about issues of sexual harassment pursuant to the Baden-Württemberg Higher Education Act, and established cooperations with external agencies.

A set of guidelines compiled by students for students provides further important information.

“As Sexual Harassment Representatives, we want to make a contribution to improving the protection provided by Esslingen University of Applied Sciences against all forms of sexualised violence. One of our key concerns is to make Esslingen University of Applied Sciences a place to live and learn which is as safe and free from sexual harassment and violence as possible.”

Any complaints or questions relating to sexualised harassment can be sent to the Sexual Harassment Representatives at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences:

People to contact:
Prof. Dr. Julia Gebrande
Faculty of Social Work, Education and Nursing Sciences
Xenia Frank
Safety at Work
Tim Clemenz
Student Services and Degree Programme Management Department

All inquiries are of course treated in the strictest confidence. Nothing will be undertaken without your explicit consent!

The federal state and the universities of Baden-Württemberg are taking a clear stance against sexualised discrimination, sexual harassment and violence: The representatives of all the different types of university and the Minister of Science and Research, Theresia Bauer, have signed a joint resolution. Esslingen University of Applied Sciences supports the resolution and encourages everyone to actively champion a respectful coexistence now as well as in the future, within universities and within society, too.


Esslingen University of Applied Sciences actively opposes discrimination and promotes inclusion.

One of the university’s main concerns is to provide professional support to people with a disability or chronic illness so as to enable them to demonstrate and further enhance their skills.

Any student who needs support or would like to contribute their ideas on how to support and promote inclusive structures at the university is welcome to get in touch with the Inclusion Officer:

Prof. Dr. Nina Kölsch-Bunzen
Inclusion Officer at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Social Work, Education and Nursing Sciences

The university’s elected Equity & Accessibility Officer (SBV) is the point of contact for job applicants and members of the university who are disabled or have coequal status. Members of the university here are administrative and academic staff, teaching staff, research assistants, and student and graduate assistants.

Michaela Hammermann
Equity & Accessibility Officer of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

As a public sector body as defined in Directive (EU) 2016/2102, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences strives to provide barrier-free access to its website in accordance with the stipulations of the Federal Equality for Persons with Disabilities Act (BGG) and the Barrier-free IT Regulations (BITV 2.0) to implement Directive (EU) 2016/2102.


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