Research bodies

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences has established a number of bodies which assist the President's Office to deal with research-related issues or mediate between various groups of people.

The research bodies at a glance

The Research Board at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences advises the President's Office on strategic issues relating to the organisation and focus of research at the university. It represents the interests of researchers in matters involving the President's Office.

Members of the Research Board

The Research Integrity Committee is a university committee which is legitimised by the Senate and deals with investigations into claims of research misconduct, among other things. If research misconduct is suspected, the usual procedure is to contact one of two ombudspersons (shared email ) initially to obtain clarification. If this does not produce the desired effect, the ombudsperson then contacts the Research Integrity Committee (shared email) ein.


Members of the Research Integrity Committee

Statues for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences


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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Gühring

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