Research Institutes & Groups
Most of the research work at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is carried out in institutes, but also undertaken in the faculties themselves and in laboratories. Researchers are thus provided with the working infrastructure they require which is creative and promotes innovation at the same time.
The research landscape at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is divided into several areas:
Institute for Sustainable Energy Technology and Mobility (INEM)
Four Esslingen faculties are the key players in this research institute: Science, Energy and Building Services; Mechanical and Systems Engineering; Mobility and Technology; and Management and Technology.
Institute for Health Care and Nursing Sciences (IGP)
The IGP is a research institute at Esslingen University which is based in the Faculty of Social Work, Education and Nursing Sciences.
Projects at the Faculty of Social Work, Education and Nursing Sciences
Current research projects at the Faculty of Social Work, Education and Nursing Sciences.
Institute for Intelligent Systems (IIS)
The IIS is a research institute at Esslingen University which is based in the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering.
Virtual Automation Lab (VAL)
The VAL is a research institute at Esslingen University which is based in the Faculty of Mechanical and Systems Engineering.
Institute for Applied Computational Fluid Dynamics (IAS)
The IAS is a research institute at Esslingen University which is based in two faculties: Science, Energy and Building Services; and Mechanical and Systems Engineering.
Fraunhofer KEIM Application Center
The Fraunhofer KEIM Application Center at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is operated in collaboration with the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO). Two Esslingen faculties are involved in this collaboration: the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, and the Faculty of Mobility and Technology.
Institute for Technical Reliability Engineering & Prognostics (IZP)
The IZP is a research institute at Esslingen University which is based in the Faculty of Mechanical and Systems Engineering.
Polymer Technologies Laboratory (LKT)
The LKT is a research group at the Faculty of Mechanical and Systems Engineering.
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