Computer Centre
The Computer Centre manages over 220 servers, central IT services and applications. It is responsible for availability, reliability, security and innovation in the central IT infrastructure. Networking between all areas of the University is managed by the Computer Centre.
The Computer Centre’s responsibilities include consultation services in the selection of hard and software; when required, the coordination of IT acquisitions in all areas of the University; the administration and operation of data processing systems; the maintenance of the central computer and special servers with specific functions and all the University’s programming systems provided by the Computer Centre.
If you have any questions about the University’s IT network services (LAN, WLAN, VPN-access) or central services (e-mail, data services, user administration, DNS), please contact the Computer Centre.
The Computer Centre is also responsible for all computing applications to do with the University administration and library. This includes maintaining the office and workplace computers, and running the administration network and its servers. A further special responsibility is to manage all student, scientific and staff IT procedures.
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