Teaching excellence “The measure of our success – high-calibre graduates equipped with the necessary knowledge, practical skills and social competence.”

Teaching is at the heart of everything we do at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. Teaching excellence demands innovation and an exchange of ideas. At the same time, suitable framework conditions have to be created to ensure the teaching offered is of the highest quality. To satisfy these demands and adopt a systematic approach in our response to the changing requirements affecting studying and teaching, the office of the Vice President for Education and Advanced Training is in a continuous interchange of ideas with the teaching staff to put in place needs-oriented and customised study elements. Esslingen University of Applied Sciences places its focus on didactic training courses, the further development of digital teaching-learning elements, and a concerted effort to support teaching-learning projects.


New teaching inspiration

The teaching staff at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences can avail themselves of a wide range of events in different formats to gain new ideas and inspiration for their teaching and compare experiences with colleagues from different faculties. The package of didactic services is rounded off with the opportunity to obtain tailored, personal advice on issues and concepts relating to teaching in a university environment.

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences places great store on creating a culture of welcome for newly appointed professors. It has adopted the concept of onboarding to accompany and support them as they complete a series of training modules to help them become familiar with the routine of academic teaching.

Digital education

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is undertaking a digitisation campaign to systematically promote the embedding and further development of digital teaching-learning elements in its degree programmes and teaching.

It uses the Moodle learning management system as its central learning platform which can be used by all teaching staff and students.

It also supports collaborative learning processes which can take place any time, anywhere, and online courses to supplement the teaching in the form of videos, tutorials and self-assessments.

Incentives for teaching staff

Teaching prize of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences 2019: Awarded to Prof. Dr. Janßen (centre) and Prof. Dr. Helfrich-Schkarbanenko (left)

To acknowledge exemplary achievements in teaching and honour outstanding commitment, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences creates incentives for teaching staff which systematically focus on the high profile afforded to teaching excellence and thus promote cross-faculty synergies.

In addition to the Teaching prize of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, which is awarded annually by the President's Office, the Education and Advanced Training Unit supports teaching staff with the implementation of their innovative, flagship teaching-learning projects.

Information, teaching materials and advice

The Education and Advanced Training Unit is assigned to the Vice President Education and Advanced Training and acts as a central point of contact for teaching staff in respect of issues relating to teaching-learning processes. The programme offered by the Education and Advanced Training Unit is open to all professors and all assistant lecturers at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

Range of formats

  • The ‘Lehre’ newsletter and the intranet provide a constant stream of information about what is currently on offer at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, professional development training from the GHD, calls for applications and training projects
  • The Education and Advanced Training Unit provides interesting tips on continuation programmes and links relevant to teaching materials and tutorials about the teaching-learning process.
  • The Education and Advanced Training Unit organises Events such as the ‘Dies Academicus’, the “Teaching” semester kick-off and the “Prof(essional) teaching for newly appointed professors” workshop, for example, as an opportunity to acquire some new ideas and suggestions on teaching and also to compare ideas and personal experiences with colleagues.
  • Advice on issues of interest on a personal level and those relating to university teaching, concepts and innovative teaching projects
  • E-Learning advice on the integration of digital teaching-learning elements

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Your personal contactContact us

Prof. Dr. phil. Marion Laging

Tel: +49 711 397-3004
E-Mail: Marion.Laging@hs-esslingen.de
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