Applications for a Master’s degree programme At a glance

The following shows you how to apply for a master’s degree programme. Places are limited, and admissions are awarded according to qualification. Please follow these steps to complete your application.

1. Check the requirements

The requirements for master’s degree programmes vary according to the subject.
Select the programme you are interested in to see more detailed information:

Master’s degree programmes: overview and information

Applied Computer Science (AIM) WiSe/SoSe15.07./15.01.Esslingen Hill Top
Applied Socio-Educational Research WiSe/SoSe15.7./29.02.Esslingen Hill Top
Automotive Systems WiSe31.03.Esslingen City Centre
Design and Development in Automotive and Mechanical EngineeringWiSe31.03.Esslingen City Centre
Automotive Engineering  SoSe15.01.Esslingen City Centre
Innovation Management WiSe/SoSe15.07./15.01.Esslingen Hill Top
International Industrial Management (MBA) WiSe31.03.Esslingen Hill Top
Mechatronics/Systems Engineering WiSe/SoSe15.07./15.01.Göppingen (etc.)
Resource Efficiency in Mechanical Engineering SoSe29.02.Esslingen City Centre
Smart Factory WiSe/SoSe15.07./29.02.Göppingen
Environmental ProtectionWiSe/SoSe15.07./15.01.Esslingen City Centre
Hydrogen Economy and Technology ManagementWiSe/SoSe15.07./29.02.Göppingen (etc.)


Enrol directly for the following Master's programmes

Enrol directly

2. Applications

This is an overview of the online application platforms and requirements for each master's programme:

Online portal for applications to a Master’s degree programme

3. Upload your documents

Check that you have all the necessary documents:

Checklist Master programme (currently being updated)

Please remember to upload your application documents in good time and to submit your application.  Decisive for meeting the application deadline which applies in your case is the date your documents are received at the university, even when this day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday. We can unfortunately not make any exceptions to this deadline.

4. All done! Now wait for your admission to be confirmed

When you have uploaded all your documents by the deadline, your application will be processed and you will receive a response as soon as possible.
Tip: The sooner you submit your application, the faster we can process it and request any documents you may have forgotten in good time.

Further information about your Master’s application

I obtained my first degree abroad. Can I apply for a master’s programme in Esslingen with my bachelor’s degree / diploma?

Yes, but you have to get your foreign qualification accredited and possibly provide proof of German language knowledge.

1. Getting your foreign qualifications recognised in germany

Please apply for accreditation in time, as the accreditation certificate has to be included in your application portfolio.

  • German applicants with a foreign bachelor’s degree certificate / diploma should inquire at the  Admissions Office for details.
  • Foreign applicants with a foreign bachelor’s degree certificate / diploma have to get their certificates accredited by the University of Constance (Studienkolleg Konstanz). The University checks to see whether your qualifications are comparable to German university entrance qualifications and calculates a grade according to the German grading system. 

To the Studienkolleg Konstanz (foreign applicants)


Our courses are taught mainly in German. Foreign nationals with foreign certificates must therefore provide proof of having passed a German language test, at the latest when they enrol at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. We accept the following certificates:

What documentation should I submit?

In the checklist, you will find a list of all the documents that you need for your application.

Checklist for your application

All information about the certificates and other documents you will need to submit is listed on the programme webpages (see above).

Can I apply for the winter and summer semester?

Not all master’s degree programmes start in both semesters. Please see the table above for details.

I will complete my first degree after the deadline. Can I still apply?

You can apply with your current transcript, and then bring your final transcripts and diploma when you register.

Administration fee and Student Services Organisation subscription

As a rule, students on degree programmes at Esslingen must pay the following mandatory fees and subscriptions each semester by the deadline set:

  • Student Services Organisation subscription
  • Student Association subscription
  • Administration fee

Details on the amounts due and how to pay are published at the appropriate time on Esslingen’s HEonline Campus Management System.

Exemption from Student Services Organisation subscription

Disabled students enrolled on the Applied Surface and Material Science programme can be partially exempt from the Student Services Organisation subscription.

When the severity of your disability entitles you to use local public transport for free, you can apply to have the portion of the subscription which covers the SemesterTicket reimbursed. Please pay the full Student Services Organisation subscription when you enrol/ re-enrol and then submit an informal application for reimbursement to Studierendenwerk Ulm, James Franck-Ring 8, 89081 Ulm and include the following information: Copy of your disability ID card, certificate of enrolment, bank statement to prove the semester fees and subscriptions have been paid, details of your bank account (for the money to be reimbursed).

Note: The partial exemption applies only to disabled students on the Applied Surface and Material Science programme, which is offered in cooperation with Aalen University of Applied Sciences in the Ostalb Mobil-Verkehrsverbund public transport network. The VVS Stuttgart no longer offers this exemption.

Tuition Fees
No tuition fees

In Baden-Württemberg, the following groups are not required to pay tuition fees:

  • German students
  • students who are nationals of a member state of the European Union or another signatory state to the Agreement on the European Economic Area
  • international students who have a German university entrance qualification

Applicants for a Second Degree

Students who have already completed an undergraduate degree or a master’s degree have to pay tuition fees of 650 euros per semester.

Tuition fees for advanced Master’s degree courses in collaboration with external institutions

The following fees apply to certain master’s degree courses:

Information about fees for master’s programmes that are offered in collaboration with an external institution should be obtained from the relevant institution.

International students

Students who are not nationals of a member state of the European Union or another signatory state of the Agreement on the European Economic Area are fundamentally required to pay tuition fees. The fees for international students are 1,500 euros per semester. The law provides for a few exceptions, however, whereby international students are exempt from tuition fees. If you fulfil these criteria and provide us with the appropriate documentation to prove this in due time before you enrol, you will not have to pay the tuition fees for international students.

Application form for exemption from payment of tuition fees

Form for exemption from payment of tuition fees

Please submit the German form and relevant documentation together with your application portfolio. These must arrive before the application deadline. 

Note on tuition fees

It may be possible to be exempted from the payment of tuition fees during a sabbatical semester, a compulsory practical semester or if you have disabilities. Further exemptions may be made in certain exceptional circumstances for international students. Further information can be found under the Ministry for Science, Research and Art (Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst).


Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes