Courses and Events

Everything about practice, job and career

Through our presentations, you were able to prepare for job interviews and all questions about salary. With a workshop on business etiquette, we gave you the tools to present yourself confidently. In personal application portfolio checks with personnel officers and specialist representatives from companies, you received individual tips and tricks for your application documents at first hand.

Currently, we are already actively planning for the next semester. New courses and registration tools will follow - please check in Intranet. There's also an English version.

All courses are held in German, unless they are marked accordingly.

Contact: Career Centre

Soft skills courses - the PLUS factor for your university and professional life

The Student Advice Centre has teamed up with the Career Centre and the University Library to offer free soft skills courses. You may attend up to three courses on topics such as MS Office applications, methods of academic work, study techniques and time management. A certificate of participation can be issued for the course, if you wish.

Further information and a detailed list of the courses we offer can be found in the intranet.

Registration opens on Monday, 25. March 2019. You can register using the following link:

Register here!

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin: Lara Stoll


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