Science Education Centre
This facility offers advanced training for teachers, educators and learners of all age groups in and beyond the region. The areas covered are sciences and technology with an emphasis on technical topics.
The Science Education Centre is aimed at the following groups.
- Kindergarten children, school students from all kinds of school, and students will find age-appropriate materials.
- For teachers of science and technology in all kinds of school, the Science Education Centre – in collaboration with the University of Tuebingen – is a strong partner for advanced training and qualifications in and beyond the region.
- Students in the Science Education degree course at the Uni, Tuebingen, as well as Engineering Education students from Esslingen University of Applied Sciences can do their practical training in the Centre.
- Further, educators in other areas can receive technical training.
The Science Education Centre (DE)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Coenning
Prof. Dr. Ralf Rothfuß
Address: NwT-Bildungshaus, Vordere Karlstrasse 74, 73033 Goeppingen
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