You will receive your student identity card by post.
Have you received your letter of admission?
When you received an email with your letter of admission after the application deadline and have now accepted the offer of a place at Esslingen: please take a look at your account in the HEonline Campus Management System where you will find lots of important information about admission and enrolment.
We are delighted that you have decided to study at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.
The next step is to enrol - this is what you do:
1. Upload your documents
Please upload all the necessary documents on the HEonline Campus Management System before the enrolment deadline. You will find details of the enrolment deadline in the “Enrolment” section of your HEonline applicant account.
We may need some further documents in addition to those you submitted with your admission application - for example:
- proof you have completed your pre-degree practical placement (if so required by your programme)
- disenrolment certificate (when you have already studied at another university)
Sample disenrolment certificate
- proof you hold a residence permit (non-EU citizens only)
- only for Master degree programmes: Confirmation of degree documents still to be submitted.
The documents you need to enrol are listed in the “Enrolment” section of your HEonline account.
2. Pay the mandatory fees and subscriptions
Please do not forget to pay the mandatory fees and subscriptions (incl. Student Services Organisation subscription, administration fee). Please transfer the subscriptions and fees as one single, total amount to the bank account given in the “Enrolment” section of your HEonline account in the Campus Management System. If you go to “Semester fees and subscriptions” you can see the total amount which must be paid by the enrolment deadline.
3. Submit your enrolment application
By confirming and submitting all your details, you automatically submit your enrolment application.
4. Welcoming email & PIN-Code
All done! When we have received all the necessary documents by the deadline, we will promptly send you an email to this effect. You will also recieve another email with a PIN-code. Please make sure to activate the PIN-Code following the instructions stated in the email. This is mandatory in order to get important documents regarding your studies, for example your certificate of enrollment.
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Enrolment Certificate
Your enrolment certificate as per §9 BAföG is available to download in your personal HEonline account in the Campus Management System.
The certificate replaces form 2 for your BAföG application. Students who receive BAföG must send the certificate to: Studierendenwerk Stuttgart, Amt für Ausbildungsförderung, Holzgartenstr. 11, 70174 Stuttgart/Germany. We will not provide manual confirmation of the form (form 2).
Students under 27 years of age who are studying at universities in the region covered by the VVS regional transport cooperative can subscribe to the JugendTicketBW on production of the necessary proof. The ticket enables you to travel throughout Baden-Württemberg for EUR 365 per year.
To obtain fare discounts when travelling with transport providers outside the VVS area, you must present your valid student identity card and your semester certificate together with your ticket application in each case. The university will not provide separate confirmation of applications for fare discounts.
FAQ’s and detailed information
Enrolment deadline
What is the enrolment deadline?
It is imperative that you observe the enrolment deadline when you enrol. You will find details of the enrolment deadline in the “Enrolment” section of your applicant account in the HEonline Campus Management System.
Your enrolment application with all documents listed in your account must have been received electronically at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and the subscriptions and fees due must have been received on the account of the Landesoberkasse by this date.
If you are not able to submit certain documents by the enrolment deadline, please contact Student Services.
The enrolment deadline is a cut-off date; this means that when you miss this deadline, it is no longer possible to enrol and your place will be awarded to somebody else.
Mandatory fees and subscriptions
The mandatory semester fees and subscriptions are made up of the administration fee, the Student Services Organisation subscription and the Student Association subscription. You must have paid these fees and subscriptions by the enrolment deadline.
In the “Enrolment” section of your applicant account in the HEonline Campus Management System you can see the fees and subscriptions you have to pay for your degree programme and when the enrolment deadline is.
Please pay in good time
Please transfer the amount due to the bank account stated in your applicant account in good time. Please make sure that you complete the ‘Payment reference (Verwendungszweck)’ with the complete and correct information as stated in your account, since otherwise your payment to the Landesoberkasse cannot be assigned to our university (payments for all universities of applied sciences in Baden-Württemberg are made to the Landesoberkasse). Particularly important here is the complete ‘Payment reference’ including your student ID number, which you can likewise find in your applicant account.
You will only be enrolled when your payment has been received at the Landesoberkasse by the enrolment deadline. Please therefore ensure that the amount due is transferred in good time.
Who may be exempted from the Student Services Organisation subscription?
Disabled students enrolled on the Applied Surface and Material Science programme can be partially exempt from the Student Services Organisation subscription.
When the severity of your disability entitles you to use local public transport for free, you can apply to have the portion of the subscription which covers the SemesterTicket reimbursed. Please pay the full Student Services Organisation subscription when you enrol/re-enrol and then submit an informal application for reimbursement to Studierendenwerk Ulm, James Franck-Ring 8, 89081 Ulm and include the following information: copy of your disability ID card, certificate of enrolment, bank statement to prove the semester fees and subscriptions have been paid, details of your bank account (for the money to be reimbursed).
Note: The partial exemption applies only to disabled students on the Applied Surface and Material Science programme, which is offered in cooperation with Aalen University of Applied Sciences in the Ostalb Mobil-Verkehrsverbund public transport network. The VVS Stuttgart no longer offers this exemption.
Pre-degree practical experience
Proof of pre-degree practical experience
Degree programme | Time schedule |
| The pre-degree practical placement (8 weeks) must have been completed by the beginning of lectures in the 3rd regular semester and proof provided that this has been done. |
| The pre-degree practical placement (12 weeks) must have been completed by the beginning of lectures in the 3rd regular semester and proof provided that this has been done. |
| The pre-degree practical placement (12 weeks) must have been completed by the beginning of lectures in the 4th regular semester and proof provided that this has been done. |
| The pre-degree practical placement (12 weeks) must have been completed by the beginning of lectures in the 6th regular semester and proof provided that this has been done. |
Further details can be found in the Guidelines for the pre-degree practical placement.
Health Insurance
Students in Germany are required to have health insurance. Students at public or state-recognised universities must have health and nursing care insurance. This also applies to foreign students. Students must be insured from the first semester onwards as a rule, by the day they enrol at the latest.
The health insurance provider sends the health insurance confirmation to the university electronically via the so-called ESMV system. So please tell your health insurance provider that you wish to study at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences (you need to give them our ID number (Betriebsnummer: H0001762)). You can usually do this via your health insurance app or online. It is important that the confirmation includes your personal health insurance details.
When you have private health insurance or are insured under the statutory scheme of another EU state, you can apply to be exempt from the requirement to have this health insurance. Please contact any statutory health insurance provider so that it can inform Esslingen that you have private or foreign health insurance.
When you are from a non-EU country or do not have health insurance which is recognised in Germany, you must take out health insurance here in Germany.
Please note that Esslingen must have received notification of your health insurance status from your health insurance provider by the deadline (cut-off date). Cut-off date means: If the university does not have this information, you will not be able to enrol; if your enrolment is conditional, this will also expire with immediate effect and you will immediately be disenrolled ex officio.
Disenrolment certificate
When you have already accepted a place at a different university, you must cancel this acceptance or disenrol there, since you may not be enrolled at two universities at the same time.
Passport photo for the student identity card
Important information about uploading your passport photo
We cannot issue your student identity card without a passport photo. As part of the enrolment procedure on the HEonline Campus Management System, you will be requested to upload a current passport photo. This passport photo will be printed on your student identity card. You will then receive your ID card by post.
If you do not have a photo available as you are completing the enrolment procedure, you can also upload it afterwards, but by the start of lectures at the latest.
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