Cancelling your Student Place If you do not (yet) want to take up your university place

You can cancel your enrolment any time up to the official entrance day. You will receive a refund of any fees that have paid.

Please send us these documents together with your student ID card:
Cancellation of student place
Application for refunding of fees

Please note: If you decide to decline your student place after the official entrance day, you can no longer cancel your enrolment; instead you will have to de-enrol.

If you have already accepted your admission offer but have not yet completed your enrolment, you can cancel your acceptance of your university place simply by sending an informal email to this effect to Student Services.

If you’re no longer interested in your student place

If you do not wish to be admitted to Esslingen because you have already enrolled at another university, please tell us this via HEonline by clicking “Studienplatzangebot ablehnen (Decline offer of university place)”. If you do not respond to our admission offer, your place will be offered to someone else as soon as the enrolment deadline has passed.

Postponement due to military service, community service or voluntary social service, etc. (pre-selection procedure)

You should not enrol if you are unable to accept your student place for one of the following reasons 

  • current or future military service/community service
  • employment as a development worker
  • voluntary social or environmental year or
  • care of a child under 18 years of age or a relative in need of care.

You do not have decline your student place. Please keep your certificate of admission in a safe place so that you can reapply later.

When your service etc. has finished, you can simply reapply. It is important that you keep your letter of admission in a safe place so you can use it when you reapply, because at the end of your service etc. you are entitled to benefit from a very good selection criterion: preferential admission. Please reapply in good time. 

You should include the following documents with your reapplication:

  • copy of your letter of admission;
  • copy of your military/voluntary service certificate (start/finish) or a certificate for your work as a development aid worker or year as a voluntary worker in the social care or environmental sector; or proof you have looked after a child or relative in need of care pursuant to § 14.1.4 of the HVVO (Hochschulvergabeverordnung für Baden-Württemberg).

To be eligible for preferential admission, you must provide confirmation that your service etc. has finished by 31 August for admission in the winter semester and by 28/29 February for admission in the summer semester.

Please note that under the preferential admission process, we can only consider main applications for university places from applicants who were admitted to the same degree programme whilst undertaking the above-mentioned service etc. but were unable to take up their university place.  Preferential admission is possible up to and including the 2nd time university places are awarded after you have finished your service etc.


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