Guidelines for Research and Transfer

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is a mainstay of sustainable development in society and technology. By conducting application-related research, it makes significant contributions to meeting the challenges of the future, is a driver of innovation, and ensures the results are transferred into practice.

Various guidelines on research and transfer describe the framework within which this is carried out:

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences has drawn up sets of rules to maintain high-quality research standards. These rules are modelled on the recommendations of the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the members of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences are required to comply with them.

Statues for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice

If research misconduct is suspected, the usual procedure is to contact one of two ombudspersons initially to obtain clarification. If this does not produce the desired effect, the ombudsperson contacts the Research Integrity Committee.


Dealing with intellectual property (IP), such as publications and patents, is not always an easy task in the broad field of tension between duty of confidentiality and duty of publication. Esslingen University of Applied Sciences has drawn up a strategy for this.

IP strategy of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is committed to the principle whereby unrestricted access to research findings is granted for the benefit of science and society around the world. It is thus part of the Open Access movement which transcends national borders and disciplines. It supports the opportunity to publish research findings as Open Access publications and promotes the expansion of Open Access with a suitable infrastructure, procedures and contact persons. The university library is the central point of contact for questions relating to Open Access.

Open Access publication guidelines of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences


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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Gühring

Tel: +49 711 397-4376
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