„We are an outstanding educational environment and a driving force for innovation in technology, management, the social sciences – and theirinteraction."
This is the vision of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences 2030. We therefore revised our earlier Mission Statement in the course of compiling our Strategic Plan 2023-2027 and added an explicit Purpose.
Mission Statement
The Mission Statement of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences follows logically from the concepts which make up this vision:
As a University of Applied Sciences, weset high standards and translate them into practice. At Esslingen, outstanding means that we perceptibly stand out from other universities. Given the rapidly changing demands in society and business, our goals require us to be innovative and flexible. We actively communicate our strengths to gain the commensurate external recognition.
We prepare our graduates for the future in the best way possible. We see ourselves as a place of learning whose strengths are its degree programmes, its structures and its campuses, and which provides a positive environment for all members of the university.
- Graduates: Our students have the skills they need to make a positive contribution to our globalised society. We equip them with the qualifications they need for the employment market.
- Academic programme: We view education as life-long learning and thus offer practice-oriented and science-based programmes for Bachelor, Master and doctoral degrees and continuing education.
- Structures: We offer students, participants and staff an excellent framework for professional and personal development. Our structures are so flexible that they can quickly be adapted to changing social demands.
- Campuses: Our campuses are modern and attractive – in terms of both infrastructure and equipment.
- Lifeworld: We see ourselves as a lifeworld to all members of the university and shape it in a positive way. This includes the promotion of diversity in our daily interactions at university – with the goal of safeguarding equal opportunities in everything we do, for example.
- Climate change: The university actively mitigates the impact of climate change by reflecting on its teaching, conducting responsible and focused research, and utilising systematic environmental management.
We have a positive impact on our environment through our students, and also through our applied research, knowledge transfer, continuing education and social commitment. We benefit from the economic strength of our region and consider ourselves to be an important stakeholder in its future development.
As a driving force for innovation we promote the entrepreneurial spirit at our university and beyond. We thus provide an impetus to further advance our society and the structural strength of our economic region.
Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is an educational and research institution which is dedicated to democracy and human rights. Each of our three pillars – Technology, Management and Social Sciences – makes its own particular contribution to the realisation of our vision. Our strength lies in our interdisciplinary approach to developing solutions. This is crucial because the problems of our time can no longer be tackled by one discipline alone. We exploit our high level of expertise to develop interdisciplinary skills.
We pursue this vision to make a positive contribution to the common good and to play our part in the advancement of society (LHG § 5 (2)) in the spirit of the statutory responsibilities placed upon us (LHG § 2).
- Through education we enable people to live independent and responsible lives.
- Through the transfer of innovation and sustainability we enable our regional economy to successfully bring about change.
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