Starting your Studies The winter semester 2024/2025 starts on 23 September 2024
Have you got your certificate of admission to a place on a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree course from Esslingen University? Great! Please register with us now so that we can greet you personally. In addition, we have a number of tips and information about things that you should deal with before you start your studies and how the first days at University are organised.
Student Services
Applications & Admissions has been responsible for you until now. In future, please contact Student Services with any questions you may have:
Student Services
Esslingen City Centre Campus
Kanalstrasse 33
Room S01.125
73728 Esslingen
Tel.: +49 (0)711 397-3050
Further information in German
"Start ins Studium an der Hochschule Esslingen” leaflet
Maybe you don’t (IMMEDIATELY) want to take up your university place?
Information when you cannot or do not (immediately) want to take up your university place.
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