Degree programmes with no admission restriction

Receive admission directly without application

At Esslingen it is possible to enrol directly for several degree programmes which have no admission restriction.
Enrolment starts 30 April and is possible until 15 September.

The following programmes are available for students commencing their studies in winter semester 2024/2025:

Bachelor degree programmes

Master degree programme

Orientation Programme

  • startES!(application possible until 1 September)

And this is how you enrol... Enrolment made simple

Before you can begin...

Check the requirements

To be able to study at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences you must have a university entrance qualification, for example Abitur or another equivalent qualification.

The following admission requirements also apply

For the bachelor programmes Sustainable Building Services and Environmental Engineering, and Engineering Education: Building Services Engineering - Mechanical Engineering you must also have pre-degree practical experience when you apply, although it is also possible to gain this in the semester break.

Take the orientation test

To enrol, you need to be able to prove you have completed the orientation procedure.
Orientation test “What shall I study"

To enrol in the degree course Engineering Education you have to take the Lehramtsorientierungstest.

1. Register on HEonline and choose a degree programme

You can enrol directly using Esslingen’s HEonline Campus Management System. Your first step is to register on HEonline and then choose the degree programme you wish to take.

HEonline Campus Management System

2. Upload your documents

Please upload all necessary documents before the enrolment deadline (1 March for the summer semester, 15 September for the winter semester).

Check that you have all the necessary documents:

Checklist Enrol for degree programmes with no admission restrictions

Tip: The sooner you upload your documents, the faster we can process them and request any documents you may have forgotten in good time.

3. Intermediate step: Admission and offer of a university place

  • When you click the Send button on the last page, you confirm all your details and automatically apply pro forma for admission to the degree programme you have chosen.
  • Wait for confirmation you have been admitted. The pro forma letter with the offer of a place at Esslingen is sent by email.
  • You can now accept the offer of the university place in your HEonline account.


  • You can view the status of your application at any time on the HEonline Campus Management System. You should keep your login details in a safe place.
  • While the admission process is ongoing, watch out for information sent to you by email about status changes or documents you still have to submit.

4. Pay the mandatory fees and subscriptions 

Please do not forget to pay the mandatory fees and subscriptions (incl. Student Services Organisation subscription, administration fee). The bank account details can be found in the “Enrolment” section of your HEonline account in the Campus Management System. Go to “Semester fees and subscriptions” to see the total amount which must be paid by the enrolment deadline. 

5. Submit your enrolment application

Almost done...

Please go to the “Enrolment” section of your HEonline account in the Campus Management System to check whether we require any further documents from you for the programme you have chosen.

By confirming and submitting your details, you automatically submit your enrolment application.

Please submit your enrolment application together with all necessary documents in good time on the HEonline Campus Management System). The decisive date for meeting theappropriateenrolment deadline (1 March for the summer semester, 15 September for the winter semester) is the date your documents are received electronically at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, even when this day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday. We can unfortunately not make any exceptions to this deadline.

6. Welcoming email & PIN code

All done! When we have received all the necessary documents by the deadline, we will promptly send you an email to this effect. You will also recieve another email with a PIN-code. Please make sure to activate the PIN-Code following the instructions stated in the email. This is mandatory in order to get important documents regarding your studies, for example your certificate of enrollment.

Would you like to learn something about your university before you arrive?

Ready to start: Accommodation, local public transport and other useful tips

Starting your studies: Your first few days at university

FAQ and detailed information


When enrolling for the above-named degree programmes, please note that the enrolment deadline is

  •     15 September (for the winter semester)
  •     1 March (for the summer semester).

Your enrolment application with all documents stated must have been received electronically at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences by this date.

If you are not able to submit some documents by the enrolment deadline, please contact Student Services.

The enrolment deadline is a cut-off date; this means that when you miss this deadline, it is no longer possible to enrol.


The mandatory semester fees and subscriptions are made up of the administration fee, the Student Services Organisation subscription and the Student Association subscription. You must have paid these fees and subscriptions by the enrolment deadline. 

In the “Enrolment” section of your account in the HEonline Campus Management System you can see the fees and subscriptions you must pay for your degree programme and when the enrolment deadline is. 

Please transfer the amount due in good time to the bank account stated in your HEonline account. Please also ensure that the payment reference (‘Verwendungszweck’) given including your student ID number is stated in full and correctly! Your student ID number is likewise to be found in your HEonline account. You will only be enrolled when your payment has been received at the Landesoberkasse by the enrolment deadline.

Please therefore ensure that you transfer the amount due in good time.


Degree programme Time schedule
  • Engineering Education: Building Services Engineering - Mechanical Engineering

The pre-degree practical placement (12 weeks) must have been completed by the beginning of lectures in the 3rd regular semester and proof provided that this has been done.

  • Building Services, Energy and Environmental Engineering 
The pre-degree practical placement (12 weeks) must have been completed by the beginning of lectures in the 4th regular semester and proof provided that this has been done.

Further details can be found in the Guidelines on pre-degree practical experience.


When you have already accepted the offer of a place at a different university, you must cancel this acceptance or disenrol there, since you may not be enrolled at two universities at the same time.

Important information about uploading your passport photo

We cannot issue your student identity card without a passport photo. As part of the enrolment procedure on the HEonline Campus Management System, you will be requested to upload a current passport photo. This passport photo will be printed on your student ID card. You will then receive your ID card by post.

If you do not have a photo available as you are completing the enrolment procedure, you can also upload it afterwards, but by the start of lectures at the latest.


Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes

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