For Partner Institutions

On the following pages, the International Office provides important information for partner universities and cooperation partners, as well as for guests of Esslingen University.

General Information

In our Partner University Database you will find all universities with which the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences has agreed on bilateral student exchange.


PIC 975330442
OID E10168978
ECHE Proposal ID 101011822 Acronym ECHE-2020-ESSLINGEN
VAT NUMBER DE 153 492 511
LEAR Prof. Sascha Röck
LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE Prof. Christof Wolfmaier
COMMITMENT to the principles of the Erasmus Charter
Erasmus Charter 2021-2027

Info Sheet and Presentations


The exchange programme ERASMUS is open for students from ERASMUS partner universities. The exchange programme GLOBAL is open for students from partner universities worldwide with bilateral exchange agreements.

The International Automotive Engineering Programme is a specially designed programme in Automotive Engineering outside our regular study programme. The number of participants is limited only upon special agreement.

Double Degree Programmes

The following double degree programs are offered at Hochschule Esslingen: 

  • China (CDHAW)
  • Mexico (ITESM)
  • Finland (JAMK)
  • Spain (University of Zaragoza) 
  • USA (Gannon University)

Academic calendar

Winter Semester Summer Semester
Mid September - End February Beginning March - End August

Nomnation deadlines

15 May for following winter semester (INTAP: 30 March)
15 November for following summer semester

Application deadlines

30 May for following winter semester
30 November for following summer semester

Language requirements

At least B1 in German for German taught courses or B1 in English for English taught courses.


Undergraduate ERASMUS/Global exchange students may choose from undergraduate courses of all faculties provided they have the necessary pre-requisites for the course. The majority of courses should be from the faculty where they are enrolled during their stay at Hochschule Esslingen.

Courses taught in English

Moudule descriptions of German taught courses

Student Accommodation

We highly recommend that students stay in one of the dormitories of Studierendenwerk Stuttgart. If they apply in time, they will have very good chances to get a room in one of the dormitories. More information

Website for incoming students


Presentation Exchange Programmes (PDF)

Presentation Exchange Programmes (PPS)


Visitors and Staff Exchange

Regardless of whether you want to teach or do research at our university, initiate an academic cooperation or are interested in an Erasmus+ mobility - we look forward to welcoming you.


Faculty coordinators

Science, Energy and Building Services

Prof. Klaus Friesch

Prof. Dr. Carla Cimatoribus

Computer Science and Engineering

Prof. Dr. Dominik Schoop

Prof. Dr. Kai Warendorf

Mechanical and Systems Engineering

Prof. Dr. Steffen Greuling

Mobility and Technology

Prof. Dr. Hermann Lücken

Prof. Dr. Peter Häfele

Prof. Dr. Georg Schmidt

Social work, Education and Nursing Sciences

Prof. Dr. Phil. Jürgen Holdenrieder

Prof. Dr. Marion Möhle

Management and Technology Campus Göppingen

Prof. Dr. Rainer Elste

Management and Technology Hilltop Campus

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Uta Mathis


Interested? Find out more! about our degree programmes