Information At A Glance

Teaching Language
Each of the 3 International Masters Programmes at Esslingen Graduate School are taught entirely in English. A high level of verbal and written english capabilities is therefore essential.
Application Period
The application period for all International Masters Programmes starts the 2 November and runs until 31 March.
Our courses are taught exclusively in Esslingen Germany, a medieval walled city nestled in the valley and neighbouring Stuttgart; the heart of the German Automotive & Engineering industry.
Course Length
The duration of the International Masters Programmes is three semesters (18 months). The first two semesters consist of full-time classes (Monday - Friday) and the third and final semester of a Masters Thesis Placement in industry.
Course Start
All Programmes commence at the beginning of September where students will undertake an intensive German Language course, as well as a robust schedule of Cultural Excursions. Lectures will start at the end of September.
Course Fees
The fees for our International M. Eng. Master Programmes are €1500 per semester and €1750 per semester for the MBA programme. Applicants should also consider the administration fees and general cost of living. More information on the fees can be found here.
Interested? Apply now! for the wintersemester 2025/26
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