Social Media Netiquette

1. On this social media page, we do not tolerate any offensive or unlawful contributions. Please take particular care to avoid:

1.1. All forms of threats, bullying, pestering, insults, degrading comments, denigration, insinuation, defamation, malicious gossip and vitriolic attacks

1.2. Posts with attitudes/opinions which are xenophobic, sexist or which discriminate against minorities, communities or individuals

1.3. Posts which explicitly express party-political, religious and/or ideological content and objectives

1.4. Approve, trigger or glorify: violence, war, discrimination, unconstitutional or anti-democratic acts

1.5. Pornographic or sadistic images.

2. Do not post any advertisements or spam.

2.1. We will remove any commercial content immediately.

2.2. Neither are you permitted to use the social networks to send advertisements or other marketing material to others via private messages (spam).

3. Respect privacy and anonymity!

Please help us to safeguard the privacy and the rights of the other users. Do not disclose personal/private data of other people, regardless of whether they are also users of the network or not. This relates primarily to names, addresses and other personal data, but also to photos/videos. Please consider that it may be difficult to delete the data completely at a later time.

4. As a user of the page, please respect copyright and intellectual property rights! Take particular care that you have the rights to disseminate the content, photos, works of art or other works which are protected by copyright, registered brand name or trademark which you publish on this social media page. By uploading certain content onto the page you confirm that you have the necessary permission to do so. Moreover, you agree to the further use of this content on the various social media pages of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

5. “Be careful what you say!”

There is no reason why you cannot be informal and use dialect or colloquial language, but no insulting language, swearwords or similar will be tolerated. The same applies to sexist statements. Stay friendly and tolerant! Even when you feel under attack or offended by a post/comment, please remain objective and fair. When you feel you have not been treated correctly, you are welcome to inform us. The simplest way to do this is a direct message to the page administrator or by sending an email to the Social Media coordinator of the university at socialmedia[at]

6. Please post in German or English only, so that everyone can access and understand the communications.

7. The comments, opinions and links which users post on the social media pages operated on behalf of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences do not necessarily represent the opinion of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. Furthermore, works protected by copyright or trade marks of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences may not be used without the prior written agreement of the university.

8. All posts must have a concrete, immediate relevance to the activities of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and should relate to the post being commented on. If in doubt, the appropriate page administrator should be contacted before making the post.

9. Posts/content which violate the principles stated here will be removed immediately. The author will be informed about this and given a warning.

10. Users who ignore the Netiquette of our social media pages despite receiving several warnings will be banned from using our social media pages.

Depending on the type of content and/or the intensity of the insult, discrimination, threat etc. we reserve the right to notify the relevant page provider and the user of this incident. They all have their own Community Standards, which also form the basis of our Netiquette.

We draw your attention to the Community Standards of Facebook by way of example:

11. We are not able to examine everything posted by our users immediately. The page administrators can therefore not be held responsible or liable for the content of the comments. Rather, each user bears responsibility for their own contributions. We would like to point out that the university or the users may institute legal proceedings in respect of comments which violate applicable laws, even in the Internet.

Last update: 21 February 2024


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