Passion for photography
“picture&more” is the name of a study group dedicated to photography which has been in existence at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences since the summer semester 2010. The project has its roots in a collaboration between the faculties of Information Technology and Business Management together with the Centre for Educational Excellence; it is open to all students and members of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.
Handling a camera
Learn the art of photography by starting with the basics: handling a camera including the accessories, lighting setup, working in a studio environment, aesthetic design of a photo and post-processing.
The knowledge you acquire in the workshops can be used, for example, to compile photographic documentation of events, for product photography of workpieces for your coursework or final thesis, and to take portrait photographs.
Workshops for university members are offered every semester. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or have attained a more advanced level, there is something for everyone. You can register via the Moodle portal of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. Further information is available on the intranet of Esslingen University of Applies Sciences.
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