CampusLeben - Get things done - with friends

Since 2011, CampusLeben has taken on a number of projects within the University with and for students under the motto "Get things done - with friends". CampusLeben has the primary aim of networking students from the student councils of different faculties. This makes it possible for them to undertake projects at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences that were never possible before.
The CampusLeben student association runs cafés and stationer’s shops where you can obtain and exchange teaching materials on each campus. These are run and administered independently by students. And to make sure that student life can be enjoyed to the full after the daily round of lectures, CampusLeben organizes parties, activities and cultural events with students from all the faculty student councils.
At the moment, around 200 students are involved in CampusLeben. It is thus one of the largest associations for actively organizing student life at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.
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