All about Applications

Analyze thoroughly

An important prerequisite for a successful application is a thorough analysis of the job advertisement:

Specialist knowledge such as field of study, focus topics, special software or programming skills (e.g. CAD software, software for simulation and calculation, ERP systems, in-depth MS Office knowledge).

Other additional qualifications such as language skills, driving license, presentation techniques, public speaking courses

Social skills and personal skills such as those for coping with professional tasks
or in dealing with superiors, colleagues or customers.

There are also mandatory criteria (must-have requirements) and others that are desirable. These optional criteria can be recognized by formulations such as: "would be ideal", "advantageous", "desirable", "ideally you have".

Your application documents

You make a first impression on a company with your application. The employer does not know you and draws all the information from your details alone. Application documents that are untidy or incomplete are usually rejected immediately. Perfect application documents are therefore a must. Always pay attention to a uniform layout, a font in different sizes, line spacing, alignment (justified or left-aligned), structure, grammar and spelling. The documents must be adapted to each job advertisement.

applying for a job in germany

The cover letter
The cover letter contains a brief assessment of your personal profile and presents you as a suitable candidate. It usually comprises one page with which you can convince the recruiter of your suitability. Pay attention to the structure of the text and check whether you have covered all the profile requirements of the job advertisement and, if necessary, provided examples. Only use positive wording. An individual cover letter must be written for each position.

The CV
The CV usually comprises two pages, a maximum of three pages for experienced professionals.

The structure and overview are the most important things here. The reader should quickly recognize what knowledge and experience you have.

The first block consists of your personal details. This is followed by the most important suitability for the position - in the case of an internship semester, a thesis or career entry, this is always your studies! The most recent information is always listed first.
The CV must also be adapted for each job advertisement.

The application photo
Please afford a professional photo! It is not compulsory to include an application photo, even in Germany, but it is still common practice almost everywhere. But if you do include a photo, make sure it shows you at your best!

Please limit yourself to approx. eight to ten relevant attachments, e.g. current transcript of records, certificate of enrolment, certificate of "compulsory internship", proof of training, training certificate, your university entrance qualification, relevant certificates of internships, etc.
Individual certificates can be submitted at any time if required.

Applying abroad

For applications abroad, please contact us directly - there are differences depending on the location.

individual consultation

To assist you, the Career Center regularly offers individual consultations for German and English application documents. You are welcome to make an appointment with us for individual advice on your personal profile or to review your documents. You will receive feedback on

  • Structure, lines of argument and persuasiveness of your cover letter
  • Structure and content of your CV
  • application photo
  • the alignment of your documents with your profile and the requirements profile of the advertised position.

Individual consultations are by appointment only. Please send us your CV, cover letter and the relevant job advertisement in advance so that we can prepare for the consultation. Your documents will be stored electronically in the Career Center until our interview and, in the event of a repeat consultation, until further notice. The consultation lasts approximately one hour.

As individual counseling is very time-consuming, there may be waiting times.

In general, there are three forms of submission:

Via an applicant portal

As a rule, you upload your cover letter, CV and supporting documents to an applicant portal. The three files should always be saved as a PDF and under a meaningful name, e.g. surname-first name-CV-reference number of the position.

VIA E-Mail

The subject of the e-mail should contain the following: the word "Application", the job title from the job advertisement and (if available) the reference code. Write a short version of the motivation and closing formula of your cover letter as an e-mail cover letter. Send your application documents as an attachment in a PDF file with a meaningful name, e.g. surname-first name-application documents-reference number.

Application by MAIL

A three-part application folder is common for academic professions. If you open the top cover to the left, the recruiter will see the cover letter first. It is usually attached to the corners using small holders. After opening the right-hand flap, the CV is in the middle and the references on the right. Cover sheets for the CV and references are ideal for printed applications. The cover page for the CV must include your contact details and your photo. A table of contents is recommended for the cover page of the references. Both cover pages should be designed in a uniform layout.

Job interview

For a confident appearance in a job interview, it is important to know what to expect and how the presentation of yourself, your strengths and motivations will affect others.

The interview begins when you enter the building and includes the introduction at reception.

You will find help on how to prepare for your interview. The most frequently asked questions are presented and you are shown exactly how to prepare for them and what is important. The basic rule for a job interview is that as long as you are talking, you have the opportunity to steer the conversation.

Individual consultation

We will simulate a job interview with you (20 min.) and give you detailed feedback (30 min.) on your appearance and your answers as well as further tips on how to prepare.

In addition to your cover letter, your CV and the job advertisement, please send us two questions that you would definitely like to answer in the interview and two questions that you would be uncomfortable answering at least 3 days before the agreed date.

Self-marketing: be authentic - competent - friendly

1. Read the job profile carefully

  • Professional requirements: Specialist knowledge, additional knowledge, application examples
  • Personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Responsibilities
  • Employer: What does the employer do? How does it market itself?
  • What else needs to be considered: manager or team, church employer, self-image - external image

2. Classic application preparation

  • Reproduce your CV in 2 minutes
  • Why am I the best person for the job?
  • What do you know about our company?
  • What would you like to have achieved in three, five or ten years?
  • Why this degree program / Why this focus / Thesis ...
  • What are your personal strengths? What are your personal weaknesses? What bothers you most about other people and how do you deal with it?
  • For an assessment center, it is particularly important to know your personal profile. How do you work, how do you interact, what role do you have in a team. Here you should know exactly where your strengths and weaknesses lie and consider which qualities you can use and in which cases you will have to overcome yourself or restrain yourself.

3. Assessment-Center – be clear about what the company is all about

  • Observers: The organizers are observers throughout the day! Note the function in the company and role during the assessment center. The knowledge objectives of the exercises should always be clear and shape your actions. Pay attention to your appearance, manner and eye contact.
  • Opening/introduction round of the applicants: The following forms can be used: Profile, partner interview, group presentation. In terms of content, the most important information about the person in connection with the position, possibly something original that sets you apart from the others and the outline should be present. The following are observed: confident appearance, eye contact, fluent speaking and dealing with mistakes, outline and structure, ideas, teamwork, initiative.
  • Group discussions
    • Forms: equal discussion, ranking, finding topics ...
    • Content: Weighing up the group goal and your own goal, listening, clarity about the question, refuting or supporting, asking open questions ...
    •  Observed are:
      • Behavior (letting others finish, showing attention, objectivity)
      • Initiative/leadership (summarizing when things are stuck, giving the floor to someone who is not saying anything, pointing out that you should not interrupt ...),
      • Goal and result orientation,
      •  Representing and justifying one's own opinion, ability to deal with conflict, collegiality
  •  Lectures/short presentations
    • Forms: Free topic (final thesis), topic drawn by lot
    • Important: good structure (greeting, introduction, procedure, main part, summary, conclusion, thanks)
    • Observed are: Appearance, language, general education, structured approach, formalities
  • Role plays
    • Forms: e.g. employee/customer discussion, private problems, role instructions ...
    • Content: Clarity about own role and interests of the role, clarification of the content of the conversation, structure of the conversation
    • Observed are:
      • Behavior (letting others finish, showing attention, objectivity)
      • Body language
      • Structure of the conversation
      • Distinguishing the interests of the employer from private aspects
      • Atmosphere, always criticize the issue, not the person
  • Case studies
    • Forms: Finding solutions to problems
    • Observed are: Solution competence, reasoned action
  • Tests
    • Make it clear what is to be tested here, e.g. relevant characteristics: decisiveness in the mailbox exercise 

4. Preparation

  • Prepare yourself well. But don't drive yourself crazy. Relax the day before
  • Arrive without time pressure
  • Pay attention to your appearance and manners
    • Clothing
    • Greeting
    • Getting acquainted with other participants

For further assistance, the Career Center offers individual consultations by appointment.

To maintain an overview over your applications, it is useful to create a digital folder marked "Applications". For every company that you apply to, you create a subfolder in which you save the job advert, your application documentation and other information that you have collected. You can also save information from online application tools.

You will then have an overview of the complete application procedure and all the information that you need, for example, for the job interview.


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contact persons: Bärbel Götz or Anke Mackowiack