Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Georg Meichsner


Campus Esslingen Stadtmitte
Room: S 10.204
Kanalstraße 33
73728 Esslingen

+49 711 397-3508


Head of Material testing coatings laboratory


Material testing of paints and coatings, physical chemistry of coatings (interfaces, colloids, rheology), colorimetry, radiation curing

R&D: UV curing, colorimetry, pigment processing, printing inks, artists colors

consultation hours

Consultation by appiontment


Prof. Dr. Georg Meichsner is professor for physical chemistry of coatings. After studying chemistry and obtaining a doctorate in 1987 at Wuerzburg University, Germany, in 1986 he joined the central research department of BASF, where he worked on the development of coating and printing ink binders. Since 1993 he teaches materials testing, interfaces / colloids, radiation curing and colorimetry at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.



Thomas Brinz*, Hellmut Schmid, Tobias Burk, Georg Meichsner: Automated Spray Application of Coatings in the Millilitre Scale - An important Step towards the High-throughput Screening of Coatings, 8th Nürnberg Congress, Creative Advances in Coatings Technology, 25 - 26 April 2005, Congress Proceedings, Paper XI.2.6, Vol.2, 359 - 366, Vincentz Network Hannover, 2005.

G. Meichsner*, H. Zhang, T. Burk, H. Larbig, R. Sander, M. Kutschera: Monitoring the Cure Gradient of UV-Cured Coatings by Microindentation Hardness and Atomic Force Microscopy, 8th Nürnberg Congress, Creative Advances in Coatings Technology, 25 - 26 April 2005, Congress Proceedings, Paper VII.6, Vol.2, 173 - 180, Vincentz Network Hannover, 2005.

more information

Member of the DIN Technical Standards Committees
"FNF / FNL Colorimetry" and "Color tolerances in automotive coatings"


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