Christian Hert, B.Eng. M.Eng
- Autonomous indoor flying robotics in an industrial environment
- Path planning for autonomous flying robots
- Methods for indoor localization
- since June 2024: Topic leader 'Autonomous indoor flight robotics' at the Virtual Automation Lab
- since May 2021: Research Assistant Virtual Automation Lab, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Röck
- March 2021: Graduation as Master of Engineering Automotive Systems Engineering at Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences. Master's thesis at Porsche Engineering Services GmbH: Implementation of a resource-optimized deep learning algorithm for camera-based driver recognition on an embedded system
- September 2019: Graduation as Bachelor of Engineering Mechatronics - Automotive Systems Engineering at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Stuttgart. Partner company: Porsche Engineering Services GmbH. Topic of the bachelor thesis: Realization of a control algorithm for a 48V/12V DCDC converter based on an existing FPGA prototype platform
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