Mechanical and Systems Engineering Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Friedrich
Associate Dean Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Dean of Studies Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Member of Senate Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Member, Academic Affairs Committee Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Member, Central Examination Committee Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Head of Laborbereich Virtuelle Produkt- und Prozessentwicklung
Design engineering, machine components, rail vehicle technology
consultation hours
Due to the pandemic situation, consultation hours will only take place in digital form until further notice. Therefore, please register for the consultation by e-mail.
Vocational training:
Academic studies in mechanical engineering (specialising in design engineering) at the FH Aachen, degree in engineering Ing. (grad)
Academic studies in mechanical engineering (specialising in materials handling technology/rail vehicles) at the RWTH Aachen University, graduation Dipl.-Ing.
Professional activities:
6 years scientific Employee and project engineer at WZL machine tool laboratory at RWTH Aachen University in the field of Computer Integrated Manufacturing / Data Communication Systems 1992: Doctorate at WZL machine tool laboratory at RWTH Aachen University.
13 years in special machine engineering design at an international rail vehicle manufacturer as a
- Technical project manager,
- Head of bogie development and design department,
- Head of Mechanical Engineering Complete Vehicle
- Head of Engineering Complete Vehicle
Professor in Esslingen since winter semester 2007.
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