Tutorials and other research support

Tutorials on e-books
Videos about the search engine BOSS
With the search engine BOSS, you can look through the media at Esslingen university library. Moreove you can search in databases in order to find journal articles. You also have the possibility to borrow media from other libraries in Germany through the inter-library loan.
Databases about specific topics
Please notice, that you can only get access to content provided by the university library (It can differ from the content shown in the video)
Römpp - to be posted
Please notice, that you can only get access to content provided by the university library (It can differ from the content shown in the video)
CINAHL - EBSCO (english)
Cochrane - Purdue Northwest Library (english)
PsychINFO - VC/UHV Library (english)
PsychINFO - Universität Bern (deutsch)
WISO - GENIOS (deutsch)
Fachportal Pädagogik - Bildungsserver (deutsch)
Please notice, that you can only get access to content provided by the university library (It can differ from the content shown in the video)
Business Source Premier - Manchester Met Library (english)
Business Source - EBSCO (english)
Any questions? Please mail us to bibliothek@hs-esslingen.de or contact us on Facebook.
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