President`s Office
At the centre of Esslingen University of Applied Sciences lies the President’s Office, consisting of the President, five Vice-presidents and a chancellor (head of administration). In accordance with federal state university law, the President represents the University and is chair of the Senate. He or she is elected for six years; the Vice-presidents – on the recommendation of the President – for three years.

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Christof Wolfmaier
- Christof.Wolfmaier[at]
- +49 711 397-3000
Room: S 01.102

Prof. Dr. rer. oec. Dipl.-Betriebsw. (FH) Fabian Diefenbach
Vice President Strategy and Communication
- Fabian.Diefenbach[at]
- +49 711 397-3005
Room: S 01.134
- +49 7161 679-1228
Room: G 04.304
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gabriele Gühring
Vice-President Research and Transfer
- Gabriele.Guehring[at]
- +49 711 397-4376
Room: F 02.211
- +49 711 397-3002
Room: S 01.132
Prof. Dr. phil. Marion Laging
Vice-President Education and Advanced Training
- Marion.Laging[at]
- +49 711 397-3004
Room: S 01.137
- +49 711 397-4589
Room: F 01.250
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Rößler
Vice-President Digitalisation and Processes
- Andreas.Roessler[at]
- +49 711 397-4166
Room: F 01.458
- +49 711 397-3017
Room: S 01.136
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Tritschler
Vice-President Building Affairs and Infrastructure
- Markus.Tritschler[at]
- +49 711 397-3009
Room: S 01.136
- +49 711 397-3478
Room: S 05.202a
Vice-president’s office
Ute Schneck
- Ute.Schneck[at]
- +49 711 397-3006
Room: S 01.133
Tizia Macha
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