Celebrate Diversity - Share Knowledge:
Welcome to South Africa
Summerschool - Septemberschool 2025

The German University Consortium for International Cooperation (DHIK) is an association of 37 universities in German-speaking countries that jointly run exchange and double degree programs with foreign universities.

The Technological Higher Education Network South Africa (THENSA) is recognised as a vibrant, innovative consortium for advancing technology-focussed institutions with a transformative societal impact.

Together we want to break new grounds and are offering a summer school for the first time in September 2025.

Be one of the first participants of this pioneering partnership at the Cape Peninsula University of Technologie (CPUT) in Cape Town!

Fill out the application form and apply here by 31.05.2025: GotoSouthAfrica[at]hs-esslingen.de

Sustainable Development: Management and Technology For interested students an information event on the following topics will take place online on Friday, 28th March 2025 from 15h00 - 16h30 CET.
The agenda and the link can be found below

Academic Content:

You can choose 2 of the following 4 modules:

Sustainability-oriented Management Control (2,5 ECTS)
Sustainability-oriented Management Accounting (2,5 ECTS)
Sustainable Mobility (2,5 ECTS)
Sustainability Gamification "Sustain 2023 - Plan B" (2,5 ECTS)


Module Description:

Sustainability-oriented Management Control
Sustainability-oriented Management Accounting
Sustainable Mobility
Sustainability Gamification "Sustain 2023 - Plan B"



The specified ECTS reflect the workload.

Complete participation in the program described below is a prerequisite for receiving a confirmation of attendance with the award of the 5 ECTS.
If you do not take part in all events, you will only receive a confirmation of attendance without the award of the ECTS.
If you are unable to attend through no fault of your own, please contact us immediately to clarify the awarding of the the ECTS.

It is not up to us to decide whether the ECTS awarded will be recognized at your university. Please clarify this with your faculty before applying.


This Septemberschool is open for enrolled students from a DHIK university or THENSA-University:

Here you can find the 37 member universities of the German DHIK.
Here you can find the 11 member universities of the South African THENSA.


All courses are taught in English. This is why the English language level B2 is required.


Due to the entry regulations for German nationals, the passport must be valid for at least 30 days beyond the date of departure and have at least two free pages for visa stamps.
If you are not a German citizen, please inform yourself about the entry requirements for South Africa.


Auslandskrankenversicherung for German participants.

There will be 3 parts of this Summer-/Septemberschool:

Virtual Period 1 week before the Physical Period:
During this period, there will be occasional online-courses in the evenings.
You will get to know all 4 above mentioned modules.
At the end of the period, we will decide by mutual agreement which 2 courses you will take part in.
The decision will be based on your selection in the application form and will be binding based on your and our experience during this virtual phase.

Physical Period: 08.09.2025 - 21.09.2025:

The physical phase will take place in Cape Town.
In addition to the academic program, we also offer a social and cultural programme.


Virtual Period 1 week after the Physical Period:
The exams take place during this period.

We expect to announce the exact dates in mid-March.


There will also be information events to prepare you as well as possible for your stay in South Africa.


Attendance and ECTS:

Complete participation in the programme is a prerequisite for receiving a confirmation of attendance with the award of the 5 ECTS.
If you do not take part in all events, you will only receive a confirmation of attendance without the award of the ECTS.
If you are unable to attend through no fault of your own, please contact us immediately to clarify the awarding of the the ECTS.

It is not up to us to decide whether the ECTS awarded will be recognized at your university. Please clarify this with your faculty before applying.


We charge a participation fee of approx.  1.000€.

After admission, we will inform you by when this fee is to be paid.

The fee includes
- the cost of accommodation in a student residence opposite the university campus,
- lunch in the cafeteria of the university
- the costs incurred in the course of the cultural and social program (transfer, entrance fees, guides, ....)

This participation fee does not include
- individual arrival/departure
- meals and drinks
- Visa fees
- Costs for vaccinations, prophylaxis and health insurance abroad

For German participants:
Wir empfehlen Ihnen, sich an Ihr International Office zu wenden und sich dort nach Fördermöglichkeiten zu erkundigen.


We want to show you the highlights of the Cape Town Region:

Excursion and guided tour to Robben Island.
Robben Island is known as the Apartheid prison and “Mandela University”

Table Mountain is one of the most well-known mountains in Africa. It provides a magnificent view to cosmopolitan Cape Town.
Climb the level plateau  or take the Cableway to explore one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

Guided City Tour to discover the top attractions of Cape Town.
Cape Town is the country's oldest city and the seat of the Parliament of South Africa.
Although it is the second largest city of South Africa, after Johannesburg, it is known for its habour and its natural setting.
This is why Cape Town was named the best place in the world to visit by the New York Times.


Social activities:
There will also be time to mix and mingle and to get to know each other during social activities according to the motto:
Celebrate Diversity - Share Knowledge!


Free time:
We also want to make sure that you have enough free time to explore the region on your own.


This is a preliminary programme, which will be continuously supplemented and adapted.

The accommodation is located within walking distance of the campus in a student hall of residence.
Further information on facilities, rooms, etc. will be made available soon.

The costs for the accommodation are included in the participation fee.


Please click on the picture to enlarge it.

Preparations for the September school take place at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences in the International Centre.

There will be two contact persons for the organization of the September School:
On the German side: Kerstin Knieriemen, M.A.
On the South African side: N.N.


If you have any questions please feel free to contact

Kerstin Knieriemen

Bewerbungen von eingeschriebenen Studierenden der 37 DHIK-Hochschulen können über das Bewerbungsformular bis 31.05.2025 gesendet werden an:



Nach Ablauf der Bewerbungsfrist am 31.05.2025 findet die Auswahl und Zulassung/Admission statt.


Mit der Zulassung erhalten Sie weitere Unterlagen zur Unterschrift und weitere wissenswerten Informationen um Ihren Aufenthalt in Südafrika und Ihre Teilnahme an der Septemberschool bestmöglich vorzubereiten, wie z.B.:

- Datenschutzhinweise

- Reisehinweise (Packzettel, Hinweise zu Klima und Empfehlungen für Kleidung)

- Pre-Arrival Formular mit Kopie des Reisepasses

- Angaben zu Notfallkontakten

- Haftungsausschluss

- Codex of Conduct für Südafrika im Allgemeinen und der CPUT im Besonderen

- Zahlungsziel der Teilnahmegebühr

- Link auf die Seite des Auswärtigen Amtes hinsichtlich der Einreisebestimmungen

- Link auf die Seite des Auswärtigen Amtes hinsichtlich der Sicherheitshinweise und Impfempfehlungen

- Informationen zur Auslandskrankenversicherung und Unfallversicherung


Datenschutzhinweise zur  Datenverarbeitung gemäß Art. 13 DSGVO

Informationen zur Verarbeitung Ihrer Angaben, Ihre Widerspruchs- und weitere Rechte, erhalten Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung


Ergänzend zu diesen allgemeinen Datenschutzhinweisen möchten wir Sie über spezielle Datenschutzhinweise im Rahmen der Septemberschool informieren:

Welche Daten werden erhoben und wie lange werden Ihre Daten gespeichert?

Im Rahmen der Bewerbung zur Septemberschool werden die Daten erhoben, die Sie uns im Bewerbungsformular übermitteln.
Wir verarbeiten und speichern Ihre personenbezogenen Daten, solange dies für die Erfüllung unserer vertraglichen und gesetzlichen Pflichten erforderlich ist.
Sind die Daten für die Erfüllung vertraglicher oder gesetzlicher Pflichten nicht mehr erforderlich, werden diese gelöscht.
Bewerber:innendaten von Personen, die nicht zur Septemberschool zugelassen werden oder ihre Bewerbung zurückziehen werden unverzüglich gelöscht.
Bewerber:innendaten von Personen, die eine Zulassung zur Septemberschool erhalten, werden als Teilnehmendendaten weitergeführt und nach Beendigung der Septemberschool gelöscht.


Welche Rechte können Sie als Betroffene geltend machen?

Ihre Rechte sind in o.g. Datenschutzerklärung dargestellt.
Hierzu können Sie sich gerne wenden an: Kerstin Knieriemen


Einverständnis Foto-, Film- und Tonaufnahmen

Durch Ihre Teilnahme zur Septemberschool erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass während der Veranstaltung Foto-, Film- und Tonaufnahmen angefertigt werden.
Diese werden für Zwecke der Berichterstattung und der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit verwertet.

Forms and documents


Interesse geweckt? Bewirb dich! Septemberschool 2025