Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)Environmental Protection
An intact environment is the basis of our quality of life - also for future generations. Would you like to contribute to its preservation? In the Master’s programme in Environmental Protection, you will deepen your know-how in all environmentally relevant areas. Graduates ensure that the topic of environmental and climate protection is competently represented and accounted for in relevant decisions.
The study programme is provided through a partnership of four universities in the Stuttgart economic region.
You will deepen your knowledge in the key areas of technical environmental protection, biological-ecological environmental protection, municipal environmental protection and environmental management. The versatile teaching concept provides you with the necessary technical and methodological skills.
Excellent future prospects await you as an environmental engineer. For companies of all sizes, awareness of the environment and the social responsibility to deal with it in a sustainable manner are now part of the philosophy of corporate action. In addition, climate protection programmes and regulations, as well as fundamental and important research in the field of environmental protection, create a great demand for environmental experts like you.
This degree programme opens up career opportunities, including management-level work, in:
municipal and district administrations, regional councils,and state and federal government employers such as environmental agencies, nature conservation authorities, industrial inspectorates, environmental monitoring authorities, and research institutes...
Large companies in the areas of energy and water supply, emissions control and general environmental protection
Companies and associations involved in energy supply, water extraction and treatment, waste disposal and recycling
Engineering and planning offices, landscape architects
Environmental consulting and services or as experts
Seminars and practical courses enable you to apply your knowledge in practice and discuss it together. You work on practical calculation or discussion examples, individually or in small groups.
You choose training focal points and work on projects related to current issues from research and application. During excursions you will come into contact with potential employers and get to know exciting projects in environmental protection.
I met many wonderful and inspiring people during my studies. The many different subject areas provide a comprehensive insight into the topic of environmental protection. Environmental protection has a wide range of possibilities. That's why it is important to choose a certain direction to focus on. The competence I learned in interdisciplinary work helps me a lot in practice.
Adelina Vella, Alumna of the Environmental protection Master's degree
The degree programme was perfectly tailored to my current profession. The basic knowledge I have gained in all environmental areas enables me to quickly go further in-depth and understand interrelationships. The high practical relevance of the study content was also helpful. The projects and lab sessions were a good contrast to the classic lectures and made it easy to network with fellow students and teachers.
Laura Wältl, Alumna of the Environmental protection Master's degree
Durch die breit gefächerte Auswahl an unterschiedlichen Themen und Fachrichtungen bekommt man die Möglichkeit, in alle Bereiche der Umwelttechnik einen Einblick zu erhalten. So wurde für mich schon frühzeitig der Themenbereich Wasser interessant. Darüber hinaus ist das gesamtheitlich vermittelte Wissen ein großer Vorteil. So begegnet man im Geschäftsalltag häufig Dingen, die man im Studium schon einmal gehört hat und kann somit wesentlich leichter Verknüpfungen und Zusammenhänge schaffen, beispielsweise mathematische Berechnungen sowie das physikalische und chemische Hintergrundwissen. mehr
Jonas Bitterling, Alumni des Masterstudiengangs Umweltschutz
What distinguishes usGood reasons for studying at Esslingen University
During excursions and project work, you will make contacts and gain insights into production and management processes.
Teamwork in small groups
You do laboratory practical work and projects in small working groups that support success in your studies.
Best equipment
You work out independent solutions to real problems in modern laboratories.
Positive feedback from employers
You are very well trained and qualified for your responsible tasks in professional life.
We involve you in our ongoing research projects on current environmental topics in project work and theses.
You will meet potential employers and become acquainted with exciting projects in environmental protection.
Interested?Find out more!about our degree programmes