Degree programme with enhanced phases of practical experience (CIB)
Chemical Engineering/Colour and Coatings
Would you like to be financially secure while you are still studying for your degree? Are you happy to gain all your practical experience at the same company? If your answer to these questions is ‘Yes’, then the option with enhanced phases of practical experience which we offer for our Chemical Engineering /Colour and Coatings degree programme might be just what you are looking for. If it is, please apply to an industrial company, which will then support you during your studies by means of individually tailored agreements.
Degree programme leaflet chemical engineering with enhanced practical experience
Our current partners for the degree programme with enhanced practical experience are shown below. Click on the appropriate logo to be directed to the company website,
where you will also find further information on how to apply.
Have you already completed a suitable apprenticeship at a company in this sector of industry, or do you already have the necessary contacts? Then ask this company whether it would be prepared to support you during your studies. To qualify, you must have gained your university entrance qualification, of course.
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