Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Heinz Illi
Graduate 1966
1957 - 1960 Apprenticeship as a toolmaker at Daimler-Benz
1966 Young Engineers Trainee Programme at Daimler-Benz
1967 Planning Engineer machine procurement at Daimler-Benz
1975 Department Manager within Pre-production Department
1986 Senior Head of Axle Production Department
1990 Preproduction Division Manager
1993 Manager of the engine production centre in Untertuerkheim
1995 Plant Manager of Mercedes-Benz AG plant in Kassel
1998 - 2006 Axes Product Group Manager of DaimlerChrysler AG
2003 Honorary Senator of the Hochschule Esslingen
1993 - 2004 Chairman of “The Friends of the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences” (VdF)
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