Laboratory Metal Forming Technology and Laser Material Processing (UTL)

In the Metal Forming Technology and Laser Material Processing Laboratory, practical experiments to accompany the lectures on production engineering, metal forming and laser material processing are carried out in the form of laboratory exercises, project work is supported, and Bachelor and Master theses are supervised.

The tasks include the entire process chain from the design of sheet metal parts to production and joining, supported by FEM-simulation.

  • Sheet metal forming: Deep drawing, bending, stretch forming, tribology, cutting
  • Material properties: Uniaxial tensile test (Lab LWF), Forming Limit Curve FLC
  • Bulk forming: Cold extrusion, upsetting, rolling
  • Laser material processing: Laser cutting, welding, marking
  • Press technology: Design, press drives,
  • Tool technology: Method development, construction, prototype dies.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Wagner
Hochschule Esslingen
Fakultät Maschinen und Systeme
Labor für Umformtechnik und Lasermaterialbearbeitung
Kanalstraße 33
73728 Esslingen am Neckar

Telefon: +49 (0)711-397-3586
Telefax: +49 (0)711-397-48 3586

further contact person:

Laboratory Engineer:  Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Achim Herdtle


  • Servopress (automatic stamping press CSP 100)
    F = 1,000 kN (picture middle)
  • Double acting hydraulic deep drawing press,
    F = 630 kN (picture left)
  • Eccentric press
    F = 630 kN (picture right)
  • Triple acting hydraulic deep drawing press
    F = 1,000 kN


  • Method development and FEM simulation of forming processes with AutoForm, see picture
  • TruTops programming and simulation software for CNC bending machine TruBend 7036

Laser Material Processing

  • Trumpf LaserCell 3000 for 3D processing (cutting/welding) of metallic materials, see picture
  • TruMark Station 5000 marking laser

Material Testing

  • Detection Forming Limit Curve (FLC), see picture

Test Facilities

  • CNC bending machine TruBend 7036
  • Strip drawing test for determining the coefficient of friction during deep drawing
  • Test roll stand
  • Equipment for measuring and recording forming processes

Laboratory Exercises

Practical laboratory exercises are offered to deepen and practically illustrate the lectures on metal forming technology and laser material processing in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.

Fundemantals Metal Forming Technology

Learning the basic processes of sheet metal forming such as deep drawing, bending and cutting of sheets, as well as bulk forming like the processes of cold extrusion.

Deep Drawing

For a specific deep-drawn part, the optimal cutting of the initial blank is first derived. Using a prototype tool cast from a low-melting zinc alloy, each student produces a deep-drawn part.

In further deep-drawing tests, a model engine hood is produced (see picture).


Accompanying the lecture on metal forming technology, students learn how to use the FE programme AutoForm with the support of tutorials developed at Esslingen University. The process chains for the production of sheet metal parts are developed on the basis of real case studies. Measurement of the positional uncertainty of a zero-point clamping system

Research and knowledge transfer

The following pictures show examples of projects carried out in the Metal Forming and Laser Material Processing laboratory.


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