Double degree Engineering Management

Students taking the Engineering Management degree programme have 2 exciting options to gain a double degree: at our partner universities in China and Mexico.



Information, criteria and persons to contact

Double degree with the CDHAW at Tongji University in Shanghai

Students of the Engineering Management degree programme can obtain a double degree (Bachelor of Engineering) at our Chinese partner university Tongji/CDHAW.

The Chinese-German University of Applied Sciences (CDHAW) was founded in 2004 at Tongji University in Shanghai. Approximately 50,000 students in total study for Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees at Tongji University, which is spread over several sites in Shanghai and in Jiading.

At least 60 credits must be obtained at the CDHAW:

  • 1 semester of study (30 credits)
  • Final thesis (30 credits)

The final thesis is undertaken in industry and supervised and examined by professors at the CDHAW. The courses are taught in English and German. Existing Chinese language skills can be enhanced, if desired.


  • You must have successfully concluded all examinations at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences by the end of the 6th semester (individual courses at CDHAW can be credited in advance).
  • English language skills (B2)
  • Good course work results and an interest in intercultural issues

Programme schedule

You can start the programme at CDHAW in the winter semester (starts approx. middle of September). The final thesis is scheduled for the following summer semester.

A detailed overview of the precise schedule including possible variations in the schedule is included in the leaflet and the guidelines. They also contain a simplified overview of the courses you can take at CDHAW as part of the double degree programme.

More detailed information on eligibility and the application process can be found on the homepage of the International Office. The general deadline for applications is January 31st.

If you have any subject-related questions, the person to contact in the WT Faculty is

Prof. Rainer Elste or Monika Buchinger.

Double degree with the Tec de Monterrey (ITESM) in Mexico.

Students in the Engineering Management degree programme can obtain a double degree (Bachelor) at our Mexican partner university Tec de Monterrey.

The Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) is the largest private elite university in Mexico with 31 campuses and approx. 100,000 students overall. Double degree graduates will receive a Bachelor of Science from the Tec de Monterrey in addition to a Bachelor of Engineering from Esslingen University.

You will spend two semesters studying at Tec followed by a 3-month internship in Mexico. You have the choice of writing your final thesis in Mexico or in Germany. The programme is taught in English and/or Spanish depending on the faculty and the campus. This overview shows you which Tec campus offers your degree course as part of the double degree programme and in which language. 


  • You must have earned at least 125 credits, i. e. 4 or 5 regular study semesters at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.
  • English language skills: at least B2 level when you submit your application. By the time you conclude your studies at Tec at least TOEFL 550
  • Spanish language skills: at least A1 level. When lectures are held in Spanish at least B2 level.
  • Good course work results and an interest in intercultural issues

Programme schedule

You can start the programme at Tec in the winter semester (starts approx. middle of August) or in the summer semester (Note: starts in January).

You will find a detailed overview of the schedule and the courses which you can take at Tec as part of the double degree programme in the leaflet.

More detailed information on eligibility and the application process can be found on the homepage of the International Office.


Interested? Apply now! for the summersemester 2026