FARO® Gage measuring arm:
the FARO® Gage measuring arm is a high-precision 3D-measuring device for shorter ranges and a portable coordinate measuring machine (CMM).
GARANT MM1-300 CNC video measuring microscope:
CNC-controlled video measuring microscope with fast image processing, high-resolution colour camera and a PC-based multi-touch panel.
MarForm MMQ 100 form measuring machine:
Measurement of:
- Roundness (also in a section);
- Flatness (deviation from circularity);
- Concentricity, coaxiality;
- Axial runout, radial runout;
- Parallelism of opposite circles;
- Fourier/waviness analysis.
Test specimens and manual measuring devices
- Vernier callipers (analog and digital)
- Dial gauges
- Micrometers
- Limit gauges
- Calliper gauges
- and many more
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