Laboratory Quality Management (LQM)

Fields of expertise and brief portrait

The Quality Management Laboratory (LQM) offers our students the opportunity to familiarise themselves with classical measuring methods and quality assurance tools on the practical level and to apply them directly. The activities in the LQM focus primarily on the interfaces of the technical and the economic aspects in industrial quality assurance and also on quality management methods.

We are also in the process of setting up applications of VR/AR methods in After-Sales Service and for quality audits to be used as part of the teaching and for students’ practical work. A simulation of QM assessments as per the EFQM model 2020 is expected to be available from the beginning of winter semester 2020-21. As part of its teaching, the LQM furthermore develops and tests business games which are intended to equip the students with QM knowledge. The Quality Management Laboratoryalso supports students who want to undertake further project work and Bachelor projects, for example on topics such as quality management 4.0, Service QM, measurement methods and concepts in manufacturing or quality audits.

If you have any questions about the work undertaken and the classes in the LQM, please contact Prof. Zürn directly.


Quality Management Laboratory (LQM)

FARO® Gage measuring arm:

the FARO® Gage measuring arm is a high-precision 3D-measuring device for shorter ranges and a portable coordinate measuring machine (CMM).

GARANT MM1-300 CNC video measuring microscope:

CNC-controlled video measuring microscope with fast image processing, high-resolution colour camera and a PC-based multi-touch panel.

MarForm MMQ 100 form measuring machine:

Measurement of:

  •   Roundness (also in a section);
  •   Flatness (deviation from circularity);
  •   Concentricity, coaxiality;
  •   Axial runout, radial runout;
  •   Parallelism of opposite circles;
  •   Fourier/waviness analysis.


Test specimens and manual measuring devices

  • Vernier callipers (analog and digital)
  • Dial gauges
  • Micrometers
  • Limit gauges
  • Calliper gauges
  • and many more


 The Quality Management Laboratory is in room F2.334

  • Quality Management - Laboratory exercises (TAB3 and TBB3)
  • Various projects
  • Various final theses

possible topics and projects - to be announced soon. If you are interested just contact Prof. Dr. Zürn.

thesis since 2019:

  • Konzeption eines Remote-Audit Prüfteils zur Anwendung im Qualitätsmanagement- Labor der Hochschule Esslingen (BA, 2021)
  • Agiles Qualitätsmanagement und Scrum: Konzept für die Integration des Qualitätsmanagements in agile Entwicklungsteams technischer Produkte (BA, 2021)
  • Konzeptentwicklung zur Auswahl geeigneter Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen für Fused Deposition Modeling - unter Berücksichtigung der DIN SPEC 17071 (BA, 2021)
  • Implementierung eines Qualitätsmanagementsystems für einen Kleinserienhersteller anhand ausgewählter Aspekte (BA, 2021)
  • Integration of the quality assurance and software development teams to follow the agile way of software development and testing: Integration and transition actions (MT, 2020)
  • Implementation of a re-structured quality management system with a focus on the prioritization and resolution of the customer quality claims (MT, 2020)
  • Handlungsorientierte Simulation des EFQM Modells 2020 über einen Systems-Thinking Ansatz (BA, 2020)
  • Visualisierung der Wirknetzverknüpfungen des EFQM 2020 Modells (BA, 2020)
  • Gestaltung einer Augmented Reality Lernumgebung im Themenbereich After Sales Service (BA, 2020)
  • Untersuchung von Wirtschaftlichkeit und Nutzen bei der Implementierung eines Remote-Audit Systems in der Lieferantenentwicklung (BA, 2020)
  • Neukonzeption der Qualitäts- und Logistikvereinbarung als Bestandteil des Lieferantenmanagements (BA, 2020)
  • Einführung eines digitalen Überwachungssystems im Bereich der Werkzeugversorgung in einer Serienproduktion (MT, 2019)
  • Erstellung eines Kennzahlen-Cockpits/Score-Boards im Qualitätsmanagement eines produzierenden Unternehmens (BA, 2019)

Interested? Apply now! for the summersemester 2025