International Industrial Management (B.Sc.)

General Information

The best possible training you can have for a career in major international companies, at first-class regional SMEs, in the financial sector or with leading management consultants:

the International Industrial Management Bachelor programme is pioneering, management focussed and practice oriented. The fundamental skills in management which you acquire in conjunction with the industrial and international orientation of the degree programme enable you to work in many exciting sectors of business. The intercultural competences which students acquire prepare them for the challenges arising from the tensions which can develop between the opposing poles of business administration and engineering in the international business environment.
Many international companies such as Daimler/Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Bosch, Mahle, Trumpf, Eberspächer, Kärcher, and Festo have their headquarters in and around Stuttgart and Esslingen. Even as a student, you can benefit from the excellent links which have been forged between our faculty and industry and universities across the globe. Our graduates are in great demand by industry and are employed on a global basis.

Examination regulation for program degree international industrial management in english language.

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Video International Industrial Management

Programme Coordination

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Philppp Schreiber

Assistant to the Programme Coordination

Lilia Schwarz

Internship office Coordinator

Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Markus Hartinger

Degree programme leaflet

International Industrial Management (B.Sc.)

Facts and Figures - at a glance

Degree awardedBachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
FacultyManagement and Technology
CampusEsslingen Hilltop Campus
Number of semesters7
Language of instructionGerman/English

For the winter semester: from AprAprAprApr 2525 to JulJulJulJul 1515

For the summer semester: from OctOctOctOct 2424 to JanJanJanJan 1515

Information on admission requirements

Number of places for first-semester students: 40

Career Prospects

On graduating, you can work at the interfaces between management and engineering in international industrial and service companies, such as those in:

  • marketing, product management, technical sales, sales and after sales, key account management
  • organisational development, change management, corporate planning
  • purchasing and procurement, supply chain management
  • managerial accounting, accounting and finance.

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Your personal contactContact us

Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreiber

Online every Tuesday, 09:30 - 10:00

Tel: +49 711 397-4350
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