Campus Göppingen Today: Mechatronics and Engineering
Today, the degree programmes of the Faculty of Management and Technology in Göppingen are among the best in Germany. This is confirmed time and again by independent rankings and surveys of personnel managers.
Mechatronics is at the heart of the teaching in the faculty - this is where students can specialise and over seven semesters they are thus trained to become engineers whose skills are in great demand and who are well equipped to deal with the challenges facing industrial companies.
Mechatronics is a combination of mechanical engineering, electronics and information technology -and the teaching and research undertaken at Göppingen bring together these three disciplines.
Engineering Management at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is one of the few really international degree programmes in Germany. To enhance the internationalisation of the degree programme, the 4th semester is taught in English. During this time, you will study on the Göppingen Campus together with exchange students from our partner universities.
Numerous university partnerships around the globe and two double degree programmes (China and Mexico) as well as possibilities for internships abroad hone our international profile.
History of Göppinger campus

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is one of the oldest schools of Mechanical Engineering in Germany. In 1914, the “Königliche Baugewerkeschule (Royal School of Construction), Department of Mechanical Engineering” was transferred from Stuttgart to Esslingen.
On 1 October 2006, the two universities of applied sciences in Esslingen, the Technical University of Applied Sciences (FHTE) and the University of Applied Sciences for Social Work (HfS) were combined to form a new institution - Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.
Göppingen Campus: Since 1988
14 March 1988
Mechanical Engineering/Manufacturing Systems (MS) degree programme at Göppingen admits its first students
3 October 1988
Microelectronics/Micromechanical Engineering (MM) degree programme admits its first students
1 September 1990
MM changes its name to Electronics/Microelectronics (EM)
Department head EM: Prof. van der List
Department head MS: Prof. Feiler
7 June 1991
Minister v. Trotha opens Building 1, which has been completely renovated
September 1995
A new department - Mechatronics (MT) - offering Mechatronics/Electronics (EL) and Mechatronics/Precision Engineering as its degree programmes is established.
The previously independent Department of Precision Engineering is transferred to Göppingen and integrated into the new department.
MS is moved to Esslingen and integrated into the existing Mechanical Engineering degree programme.
The IAF is founded in Göppingen.
Prof. Schwarz becomes Dean of the Mechatronics Department.
September 1997
After the closure of the Geislingen campus of Ulm University of Applied Sciences, the Mechatronics/Automation Engineering degree programme starts in Göppingen.
September 1999
Start of the Information Technology and Automation Systems (IA) Master's degree programme in cooperation with the IT department.
June 2000
Start of the cooperation with ITESM (Mexico); professors from Mexico attend an advanced training programme.
September 2000
Start of the Mechatronics/Microsystems Technology degree programme
Start of the first Bachelor degree programmes at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences in Göppingen.
Curricula have a modular structure.
September 2002
The MT Department is merged with the Electrical Engineering (ET) Department to form a ‘Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering’ (ME) Department. The new department is spread over two campuses and offers the following degree programmes:
General Electrical Engineering (ET)
Electronics/Microsystems Engineering (EM)
Mechatronics/Automation Engineering (AT)
Mechatronics/Precision Engineering
With MechatronikPlus, a new model of degree programme (apprenticeship + degree course) is introduced at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.
The Dean of the new department is Prof. Würslin.
The Department of Business Administration starts its new Business Information Systems degree programme at Göppingen
October 2002
Inauguration of the new building (Building 4)
May 2003
Anniversary celebrations - 75 years of Precision Engineering
4 June 2005
Anniversary "10 years of Mechatronics in Göppingen"
Faculty of Engineering Management is established in March 2008 with Bachelor degree programmes in Business Information Systems (WFB) and International Engineering Management (IWB) (as of winter semester 2008/09)
New "Engineering Management (WNB)" degree programmes start in the winter semester 2013/14. There are two WNB groups in each semester offering a total of 70 places for first-year students. The two old degree programmes WFB and IWB at Göppingen are both phased out at the same time
New laboratories are established: Logistics and Mobility, Sustainability and Production, Industrial Application Systems
Successful cooperation with the Faculty of Mechatronics and Electrical Engineering on the Göppingen Campus is expanded. A characteristic feature here has been the joint cross-faculty management of the Mechatronics' laboratory since 2016
New Master's degree programme introduced - "Smart Factory - Industry 4.0 (SFM)"
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