Study model individual learning Pace

Students of the Bachelor's programmes Software Engineering and Media Computing, Computer Engineering and Business Information Systems can opt for the "Study model individual learning Pace". This study model is an individual support programme and enables the maximum duration of study to be extended by up to two semesters.
First-year students have heterogeneous prerequisites
First-year students have a very heterogeneous composition. They have different educational levels and biographical backgrounds. They come to the university with different university entrance qualifications. Possible gaps and a lack of knowledge are normality. Behind this there are often very varied life situations, under which students start their studies. To earn one's living without BAföG funding, to have to work while studying and often long arrivals make the situation even more difficult.
The support programme "Study model individual learning Pace" offers helpful support and flexibilisation in order to achieve the degree successfully, even if there are special situations in life which make a normal course of studies difficult.
There is no prerequisite for participation in the support programme. Participation in the first study phase is possible from the second semester onwards. The maximum duration of the basic study period is extended by one semester. All examination achievements of the undergraduate course must be completed in five semesters instead of four. Participants in the support programme have one semester more time than in the normal course of studies. A further possibility to participate is the second study phase in the third semester. A period of two semesters is then available for the examination results of the third semester. Thus, the deadline for the completion of studies is also extended by one semester.
Accompanying intensive study support
This study model is only offered in combination with intensive study support. The Dean of Studies Prof. Dr.-Ing. Reinhard Schmidt agrees an individual study and examination plan with the participants. Additional tutorials provide support in the study model.
The time relief and the professional support make it possible to find and develop the personal study rhythm, so that the study can still be completed successfully and on time.
BAföG recipients have no disadvantage when participating in the support programme.
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