Computer Engineering (B.Eng.)

Computer Engineering (B.Eng.)

The study of computer engineering prepares you to help shape the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 through intelligent IT systems. The intelligent processing of information plays a major role in this. That's why you'll be best prepared for your career in the specializations "Autonomous Systems" or "Cyber-physical Systems".


Computer engineering can be found in all areas of today's life!

In automobiles, in consumer products, in manufacturing plants, in computer networks, in space stations, in short: Information is collected, processed and passed on everywhere. The field of technical informatics provides the necessary technologies and develops solutions for the future. The IT sector has the highest growth rates and the career prospects are excellent in the long term.

In the Computer Engineering program, experienced professors from research and practice teach everything necessary for a successful career start. We attach great importance to a sound education in mathematics, software engineering and computer science. This broad education is the basis for further specialization in the field of autonomous systems or cyber-physical systems.
The high practical relevance of the study program deepens the acquired knowledge. In well-equipped laboratories, project work is carried out in small groups. An integrated practical semester prepares you for a smooth entry into your profession. There, your previously learned skills will find practical application.

The bachelor's degree program in Computer Engineering is divided into two study concentrations, Autonomous Systems and Cyber-physical Systems, starting in the 6th semester.



Autonomous systems are capable of solving complex tasks. This capability is based on artificial intelligence algorithms and methods. Autonomous systems learn based on data. They can also act in unknown situations largely without human intervention. To make this possible, autonomous systems must solve a variety of tasks reliably and independently. They must record and process information, make and execute decisions, and communicate with other autonomous systems or humans. The particular challenge is to perform all this even in unfamiliar situations and only poorly structured environments. One example of this is autonomous driving. Therefore, the main contents of the study focus Autonomous Systems are:

  • Sensors and actuators
  • Processing of signals
  • Machine vision and learning
  • Safety and Security


Cyber-physical systems consist of mechanical components, software and modern information technology. By networking the individual components via networks such as the Internet, infrastructures can be controlled, regulated and monitored. Cyber-physical systems are based on sensors, actuators, networked software and cloud-based services. Sensors provide measurement data from the physical world. They report these via networks to a service that processes the data. This results in control data, which the software passes on to actuators via the communication network. Cyber-physical systems are characterized by a high level of complexity. They are used, for example, for the realization of intelligent power grids, modern production plants or in medical technology. Therefore, the main contents of the study focus cyber-physical systems are:

  • Sensors and actuators
  • Processing of signals
  • Embedded Systems Design and Communication
  • Distributed Systems
  • IT Security


There is the possibility to complete the study of computer engineering optionally in the support program study model of individual learning pace.

If you are still undecided about what you would like to study, then take a look at all of our degree programs at a glance.

→ All Study Programs at a Glance

If you would like to learn more, take a look at our program flyers or watch the videos explaining the Computer Engineering degree program.

→ Video about the study program Computer Engineering

Degree program leaflet

Computer Engineering, Specialisation Autonomous Systems (B.Eng.) (German version)

Computer Engineering, Specialisation Cyber physical Systems (B.Eng.) (German version)

Virtual campus tour - “Let’s take a look!”

Interview with professors about the degree programme


Facts and Figures - at a glance

Degree awardedBachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
FacultyComputer Science and Engineering
Number of semesters7
Language of instructionGerman/English

For the summer semester: from 24 October to 15 January

For the winter semester: from AprAprAprApr 2525 to JulJulJulJul 1515

Information on admission requirements

Admission limitation, number of places (70 per year).


Autonomous Systems
The methods and skills you learn enable you to design and realise smart, autonomous systems. Autonomous systems can also react to unforeseen situations. Students who successfully complete this specialisation have the skill to take methods from the field of artificial intelligence and use them to derive a code of intelligent conduct for an autonomous system based on the machine perception of a physical environment.

Cyber-Physical Systems
The methods and skills you learn enable you to design and realise embedded systems which can act autonomously, are connected with other system components via communication networks, and can cope with complex tasks. Students who successfully complete this specialisation have the skill to respond to issues involving the networking of embedded systems and the challenges resulting from this, such as IT security. The knowledge you acquire will allow you to apply sound methodology to create complex, networked, real-time systems.

Application and Admission

  • Information on the admission requirements and application procedure can be found on the pages which describe the application process for our Bachelor programmes.
  • Application deadlines
    For the summer semester from October 15 to January 15.
    For the winter semester from April 25 to July 15.


7. Semester

Scientific Deepening

Scientific Deepening

Sound knowledge of own study profile

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire the ability to familiarize themselves with engineering issues in the field of software engineering or media informatics, to understand scientific and technical developments and to be able to follow them in the long term. Students gain detailed insights and comprehensive knowledge in a field of information technology. Based on their own research, the students can analyse problems in information technology and independently find and evaluate solutions to them.

Self-study in the context of the Bachelor's thesis.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
German or English

Oral Exam (20 Min) graded

Module of Electives

Module of Electives

Basic knowledge of own study profile.

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire a scientific and subject-specific specialisation in the field of their major field of

The elective module consists of 3 compulsory electives with a total of 6 SWS. The student chooses 3 electives with 2 SWS each to deepen his own study profile. Current and industry-related specialisations are offered as compulsory electives. The electives are announced publicly at the beginning of each semester.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation or project work
German or English

Depending on chosen elective

6. Semester


5. Semester



Completed first stage of studies

Learning Outcomes:
In the industrial environment of a company, the students learn to work independently as engineers as well as in a team. They are able to apply the methods of project management. Their awareness of the effects of their own actions is sharpened. Students acquire the engineering skills of working in a project team.

100 days of operational practice in a company of IT field.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
German or English

Report attested
Presentation (20 minutes) attested

Key Skills

Key Skills


Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire the skills of teamwork and methodical work. Students are prepared for a successful career start. They acquire and deepen the ability to record and produce scientific texts and to communicate on technical-scientific topics in English.

Scientific work: Structuring, researching, analysing, scientific writing and quoting;
Career start: Career planning, applicant training;
Technical English: beginner and advanced level, technical and business English, communication and presentation.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises

Presentation (20 Min) attested
TOEFL test

4. Semester

Control Engineering 1

Control Engineering 1

Mathematics, Electrical Engineering, Signals and Systems, Physics, Electronics, Digital Technology, Computer Architecture, Programming, Object-Oriented Systems.

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire an understanding of dynamic systems and are able to analyse them. Furthermore, they are able to design control software for technical processes. Students should be able to analyze control systems and to design and implement simple simulation models and controls themselves. The students are able to independently familiarize themselves with more specific problems of system and simulation technology. The students learn the practical application of the concepts of control engineering.
Students learn how to model, simulate, control and regulate dynamic systems. This enables them to design and implement simple simulation models and control systems themselves. The students thus acquire the basics to independently familiarize themselves with more specific control engineering problems if required. The students gain first experience with a state-of-the-art design tool for the simulation and implementation of control systems for dynamic systems. They can assess the influence of limitations or interference signals in practical implementation, which are often neglected in theoretical considerations.

Overview of the design and modelling of technical systems; description of the dynamic behaviour of continuous systems by block diagrams and their analysis in the time and frequency domain; properties of control algorithms, stability analysis, important design methods for controllers; implementation of controls in hardware and software; effect of time and value discrete implementation in simulations and control algorithms; design and simulation tool MATLAB/Simulink, real time simulations, automatic code generation.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

Sensoren und Aktoren

Sensoren und Aktoren

Basic knowledge of physics, elementary statistics, discrete Fourier transform, basic knowledge of MATLAB, basic knowledge of information technology, basic knowledge of systems theory, sampling theorem.

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire an understanding of dynamic systems and are able to analyse them. Furthermore, they are able to design control software for technical processes. The students can assess problems with the passive and active information acquisition of sensor data and independently develop solution strategies. They have a sound knowledge of the most important methods for obtaining information from sensor data of real processes. They master methods for processing, quantitative evaluation and feature extraction. The students understand the concepts of industrial sensor data processing.

Multi-spectral and multi-channel sensors; actuators for information acquisition and output; visual perception; creation, recording and digitisation of image signals; strategies of 2D and 3D image recording; image and image sequence processing in the temporal / spatial domain; as well as in the time-frequency / spatial frequency domain; Morphological image processing, texture analysis, feature extraction, segmentation; object representation, object recognition, classification, neural networks; main features of soft computing; system examples (industrial 2D and 3D inspection, robotics, medicine, traffic, security, environmental monitoring)

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

Digital Signal Processing

Digital Signal Processing

Fourier and Laplace transform; z-transformation; characteristics and properties of time-continuous, linear systems; sampling and z-transformation; basic knowledge of MATLAB; vectors, polynomials, arithmetic operations.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to design linear, time-discrete systems and implement them in digital computers.
The students know application fields of digital signal processing; important theories and models of discrete systems as a basis for modern signal processing and control engineering; methods for analysis and design of discrete systems.
The students are able to judge the behavior of linear, time-discrete systems in the time and frequency domain; to evaluate sampling processes with regard to the sampling theorem; to design basic digital filters and to realize them with signal processors; to determine and present characteristics of time-discrete signals and systems with the help of the simulation program MATLAB.
The students can work on subject-specific tasks in small groups with the help of the MATLAB simulation program, present and defend the results.

Analog filters, standard low-passes; time-discrete systems and their characteristics, such as difference equation, transfer function, frequency response, pole-zero diagram, stability; impulse response, step response, structures; recursive (IIR) and non-recursive (FIR) digital filters; design of digital systems; design and simulation of time-discrete systems with MATLAB; realization of linear, time-discrete systems on a signal processor.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

Computer Architecture

Computer Architecture

Programming, Computer Science, Software Engineering

Learning Outcomes:
The lecture introduces the architecture of computer systems with microprocessors and microcontrollers. The students develop a basic understanding of the Instruction Set Architecture of computers and understand how programming constructs of higher programming languages are mapped to the "language of hardware". The understanding should help to better map the interaction of programming language, operating system and hardware. Students acquire a basic understanding of the Instruction Set Architecture of computers and understand how to map the programming constructs of higher programming languages to the "language of hardware". They understand the interaction of programming language, operating system and hardware to develop more efficient software. Students will implement the basics of hardware-related programming in C/C++ and machine language (assembler) in practical exercises.

Structure of computer systems, arithmetic-logical operations, basic tasks of operating systems (repetition); programming model (register set, addressing modes, memory map, instruction set) of an exemplary microprocessor; introduction to machine language, mapping of important high-level language constructs to machine language, estimation of memory requirements and execution speed; Hardware/software interface for typical peripheral components, digital and analog input/output, timer, simple network interfaces; modular programming, interfaces for the interaction of different programming languages; support of operating system mechanisms, e.g.B. Memory protection, virtual memory, through microprocessors; overview of current micro- and signal processor architectures: technology and market significance.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

Algorithms and Data Structures

Algorithms and Data Structures

Knowlege in Mathematics, Programming, Object-Oriented Systems

Learning Outcomes:
Students have an overview of the most important classes of algorithms. Students will be able to assess basic features, performance, similarities and cross-references of different algorithms. Students will be able to correctly apply and assess basic algorithms and data structures in terms of their properties and performance.

Presentation, design and classification of algorithms; Simple and abstract data structures: arrays, lists, sets, directories; complexity, efficiency, computability, O-notation; search and sort; trees and graphs; iterative methods (Gauss, Newton); hash methods; geometric algorithms; string matching algorithms and finite automata; random numbers and Monte Carlo algorithms.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,

Exam (90 minutes) graded

Software Architecture

Software Architecture

Knowledge of an object-oriented programming language, knowledge of UML 2

Learning Outcomes:
Students are able to implement the requirements in complex software architectures. They can use design and architecture patterns, frameworks and libraries according to their needs. The students acquire competences in the engineering approach to solving problems in the field of software architecture as well as in the assessment and selection of software technologies. Students can select and apply design and architecture patterns. They are able to program components (EJB) and web services (SOA).

Architecture and Architects; Architecture Development Approach; Architecture Views, UML 2 for Architects; Object-Oriented Design Principles; Architecture and Design Patterns; Technical Aspects, Requirements and Constraints Consideration; Middleware, Frameworks, Reference Architectures, Model-Driven Architecture; Components, Component Technologies, Interfaces (API); Architecture Assessment, Refactoring, Reverse Engineering.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

3. Semester

Digital Technology 2

Digital Technology 2

Digital technology 1, programming 1 - 2.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to understand and program the structure and functionality of microprocessors and their peripheral components. Students master the basic concepts of the design and development methods of computer systems with a focus on hardware architecture. The students are able to construct components of simple computer systems and to analyze their interaction. The students acquire the practical conversion of the basic theoretical concepts and methods of simple computer systems in digital hardware in VHDL.

Theory, design and hardware and software realisation of finite automatons; structure, function and interfaces of semiconductor memories; structure and function of bus systems; structure of simple CPUs in Neumann and Harvard architecture; control unit and data path; arithmetic unit and register set; addressing modes, instruction execution; coupling and function of peripheral components such as digital input/output; A/D and D/A conversion;
The theoretical part is supplemented by practical laboratory tasks for the design of finite state machines, memory controllers and a CPU in VHDL. The designs are simulated on RTL level and realized with the help of an FPGA.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

Computer Networks

Computer Networks

Competences in programming and operating systems

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge about basic concepts and technologies in computer networks. Students can describe the basic concepts of computer networks. They understand the layer model in communication networks and the basic mechanisms and tasks of communication protocols. The functionality of important standards such as Ethernet and TCP/IP are familiar to the students. This enables them to select and evaluate suitable solutions for various applications. Students can configure network services, use communication protocols, analyze their function and, if necessary, find errors.

Basics and network architectures; communication in local networks; packet switching on the Internet; transport protocols on the Internet; elementary services and applications; network engineering examples.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

Signale und Systeme

Signale und Systeme

Nach Studien- und Prüfungsordnung:
Zulassung zum zweiten Studienabschnitt


a) Einführung
- Einführung in zeitkontinuierliche und zeitdiskrete Signale;
- Auswirkungen der Quantisierung von Sensoren, A/D-Wandlern und D/A-Wandlern;
Zeitkontinuierliche Signale
- Fourier-Analyse : Anwendungen zur Fourierreihe ;
- Fourier-Transformation und ihre Anwendung zur Fourier-Analyse;
Zeitkontinuierliche Systeme
- Eigenschaften zeitkoninuierlicher Systeme
- Wichtige Anwendungen der Laplace-Transformation;
- Stabilität zeitkontinuierlicher Systeme;
- Einführung in zeitkonituierliche Filter;
Zeitkontinuierliche Filter
- Entwurf und Anwendung einfacher Filter : Tiefpass, Hochpass, Bandpass, Bandsperre
Zeitdiskrete Signale
- Abtast-Haltevorgang und Abtasttheorem nach Shannon;
- diskrete Fourier-Transformation , Fast-Fourier-Transformation;
Zeitdiskrete Systeme
- Differenzengleichung;
- diskrete Faltung;
- Z-Transformation und Z-Übertragungsfunktion;
- Wichtige Anwendungen der Z-Transformation;
- Stabilität zeitdiskreter Systeme;
- rekursive und nichtrekursive Filter;
- Wahl der Abtastzeit;
b) Labor Matlab
- Einführung in die Bedienoberfläche von Matlab;
- Arbeiten mit Matrizen und Vektoren;
- Schleifen und Verzweigungen (Kontrollstrukturen);
- Speichern von Daten in Dateien, lesen von Daten aus Dateien;
- verschiedene Spezialthemen : erzeugen von Bodediagramm; lösen von Gleichungssystemen;
- Einführung in die Bedienoberfläche von Simulink;
- Simulation von Systemen und Differentialgleichungen;

 a) Schriftliche Prüfung
b) Erfolgreiche Teilnahme an allen Laborübungen und erfolgreiche Bearbeitung des Abschlussprojekts.
Das Modul wird benotet. Die Modulnote setzt sich aus den Noten der benoteten Teilmodule, gewichtet mit den zugeordneten Credits zusammen. Alle Teilmodule müssen bestanden sein.

Software Engineering

Software Engineering

Knowledge of a higher programming language

Learning Outcomes:
The students have knowledge in the areas of engineering software development, requirements analysis and modelling. The students master engineering software engineering. Students can write requirements in English. They can also create a requirement specification. They master the methodical procedure for the creation of software applications. The students learn how to successfully carry out projects. They master the instruments of project management.

Overview of maturity models and process models: project management; configuration management; change management; quality management; requirements engineering; system analysis; system design; system implementation; system integration; system test.
Main features of UML 2.x: model elements, classes, artefacts, static
Relationships: Dependency, association, generalization, realization, diagram types in UML, use case diagram, activity diagram, state machine, package diagram, class diagram, object diagram, sequence and communication diagrams.
Creation of a requirement specification: requirements/requirements (in English), modeling of a software system in UML.
Testing: Validation, verification. Acceptance Test Driven Development: Creation of test cases for the requirements.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 Min) graded
Lab work attested
Seminar Software Project Management, attested



Direct current and alternating current calculus; mathematical knowledge of differential and integral calculus, complex numbers.

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire knowledge of electrical networks and are able to analyse them. Students will be able to understand the functioning of electronic circuits.

Circuits with diodes; stabilization circuits with Z-diodes; thermal effects; rectifier circuits; voltage multiplication; bipolar transistor and field effect transistors (FET); operational amplifiers; project hardware with changing tasks.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested



Basic mathematical knowledge in algebra and geometry, differential and integral calculus as well as vector calculus.

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire the competence to describe our environment mathematically and to explain various phenomena as a logical consequence of less simple basic facts. Students acquire elementary basic knowledge in the fields of mechanics, electrical engineering, vibrations and waves. Students acquire the ability to recognize physical laws behind technical applications and to apply them to new problems.  They learn methods and approaches to approach and solve problems in a structured and goal-oriented way.

Mechanics: Measurement, measurement systems, units; kinematics one- and three-dimensional, circular motion; Newtonian mechanics, especially conservation laws; gravitational field; impact processes; rotational motion
Vibrations: Basic concepts; mechanical and electromagnetic oscillations, undamped harmonic oscillator; damped harmonic oscillator; forced oscillation, resonance, superimposed oscillations
Waves for information transmission: Basic concepts; Harmonic waves; Wave propagation, sound waves; Electromagnetic waves; Geometric optics

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,

Exam (90 minutes) graded

2. Semester

Mathematics 2

Mathematics 2

Mathematics 1A and Mathematics 1B

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire the competence to describe our environment mathematically and to explain various phenomena from a few simple basic facts. The students have the knowledge to describe real problems with the help of mathematical models and to solve them systematically. Building on this knowledge, students are able to solve simple problems independently. The students can represent functions with the help of power series and Taylor series. They are proficient in dealing with ordinary differential equations and differential equation systems. Students will be able to analyze vibrations using vibration differential equations and Fourier series. Students are able to solve, simulate and visualize mathematical problems with programs on the computer.

Power Series and Taylor Series; Ordinary Differential Equations and Differential Equation Systems; Fourier Series.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

Digital Technology 1

Digital Technology 1

School knowledge of Boolean algebra, combinatorial circuits and the representation of absolute numbers and integers in computers.

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to understand and program the structure and functionality of microprocessors and their peripheral components. Students learn the basic structure of digital systems and the methods for developing the hardware of digital systems. Students acquire a basic understanding of combinatorial logic as well as of the structure and functionality of components. They acquire the ability to describe functions. Students get to know the basic structure of digital systems and the methods for developing the hardware of digital systems. Students acquire a basic understanding of combinatorial logic and how simple components work. They will be able to describe logical functions using equations and schematics. The students acquire basic abilities for the practical conversion of the basic theoretical concepts and methods of simple computer systems by means of digital hardware in VHDL.

Basics of Boolean algebra (basic logic functions, De Morgan's laws); description of combinatorial circuits and simplification using Boolean algebra and KV-diagram; basic building blocks of digital systems: gates, flip-flops, multiplexers, registers, counters; coding of numbers and characters in digital systems, dual coding; computing with binary numbers: Amount numbers, integers and floating-point numbers; structure and function of an ALU (arithmetic-logical unit).

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

Electrical Engineering 2

Electrical Engineering 2

Mathematical knowledge: Complex numbers, linear differential equations with constant coefficients
Knowledge of electrical engineering: Methods for solving DC circuits. Basic knowledge of pointer diagrams for AC circuits.

Learning Outcomes:
Sound basic training in electrical engineering and electronics. The following modules contribute to achieving the overall goal: Electrical engineering 1, electrical engineering 2, electronics. Aims of this module: System understanding for linear, dynamic processes and their description in the time and frequency domain by means of alternating current circuits.

Complex alternating current calculation, standardization, transmission factor. Example: Amplitude and phase characteristics of the series resonant circuit; representation and interpretation of the transmission factor with the aid of Bode diagram or locus curve; introduction to computer-aided circuit simulation with LTSpice; power calculation for stationary harmonic excitation: Time domain and with the help of the complex alternating current calculation. Introduction of the active, reactive and apparent power as well as the effective value of periodic signal characteristics; application of the superposition set to the Fourier series representation of periodic signal characteristics; calculation of the transient behaviour of linear, time-invariant circuits with an energy store from the differential equations during switch-on/switch-off processes as well as during harmonic excitation; relationship between compensation processes in the time domain and complex alternating current calculation in the frequency domain using the example of periodic excitations of linear RLC circuits; consolidation of the acquired knowledge in accompanying laboratory exercises.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

Operating Systems

Operating Systems

Knowledge in programming with C

Learning Outcomes:
The students acquire the competence to use computer hardware and software as well as operating systems and computer networks. The students can describe the basic concepts of operating systems and evaluate the solutions realized in the marketable operating systems. They know the essential functions and services of operating systems and are able to use them interactively or in application programs. The students know the mechanisms of authentication and authorization and are able to regulate the access of users to computers, services and data appropriately.

Introduction to the tasks and structure of operating systems; use of UNIX via command line (shell / script programming) and the most important UNIX commands; processes and threads; memory management; interprocess communication and synchronization; file systems; input and output; security; virtualization and cloud.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested

Object-oriented Systems

Object-oriented Systems

Knowledge of a programming language

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire a sound basic education in computer science and programming. Students learn object-oriented programming paradigms and their practical application. The students learn the methodical programming of object-oriented systems. The students are able to independently implement object-oriented concepts in programming.

Basic concepts of object-oriented programming are taught.
This includes: Class concept (attributes, methods), information hiding (public, private); constructors and destructors; static variables and static methods; operators and overloading; inheritance and polymorphism; abstract classes and their role as interface definitions.
Further topics that are important in object-oriented software development are discussed: References, namespaces, handling of strings; definition and handling of exceptions; processing of files with the help of streams; cast operators and type determination at runtime.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Lab work attested



Mathematics 1A and Mathematics 1B

Learning Outcomes:
Students will be able to describe, explain and understand random and uncertain phenomena.
Students will know the basic combinatorial formulas and their applicability to corresponding questions; the basic probability-theoretical indicators and their calculations or relationships; the basic statistical discrete and continuous distributions; the basics of descriptive statistics and inferential statistics and will be able to apply them to specific situations. Students will be able to describe large datasets and present information; describe events with frequencies, mean and variance or standard deviation; evaluate and classify statements about problems associated with uncertainty. Students can derive, evaluate, classify statements on uncertainty issues; statistics as an important tool to support work with large amounts of data and quality assurance.

Data collection and data cleansing; representation of statistical material (feature types, graphical representation, location parameters of a sample); multidimensional samples (correlation and regression); combinatorics; probability theory (Laplace models; random variables and distribution functions; special distribution functions such as normal or binomial distribution); conclusive statistics, in particular statistical test procedures and confidence intervals; application of statistical methods in quality assurance.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

Exam (90 Min) graded
Lab work attested

1. Semester

Mathematics 1A

Mathematics 1A

School knowledge about functions

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire the competence to describe our environment mathematically and to explain various phenomena from a few simple basic facts. The students master the handling of differential and integral calculus, consequences, and functions of several real variable. Students are able to solve simple mathematical problems independently and to comprehend logical conclusions. Students can formulate and systematically solve simple engineering and economic problems in mathematical notation.   

Differential and integral calculus for functions of a real variable; sequence, series and limit values; functions of several real variable; applications from economics, natural sciences and technology.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Mid-Terms graded

Mathematics 1B

Mathematics 1B

School knowledge about vectors and linear systems of equations

Learning Outcomes:
Students acquire the competence to describe our environment mathematically and to explain various phenomena from a few simple basic facts. The students master the handling of linear systems of equations, vectors, matrices and complex numbers. Students are able to solve simple mathematical problems independently and to comprehend logical conclusions. Students are able to formulate and systematically solve simple engineering and economic problems in mathematical notation.   

Linear systems of equations; vectors and matrices; linear algebra; complex numbers; applications from economics, natural sciences and technology.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,

Exam (90 minutes) graded
Mid-Terms graded

Electrical Engineering 1

Electrical Engineering 1

Mathematical knowledge: functions of a real variable with curve discussion, linear systems of equations, differential and integral calculus.

Learning Outcomes:

Sound basic training in electrical engineering and electronics. System understanding for linear processes and their description in the time domain by means of DC circuits. Introduction to the systematic analysis of linear networks as a prerequisite for a deeper understanding of interfaces and systems.

Basic concepts: charge, current density, current and electrical voltage; simple direct current circuits: Current and voltage sources, Kirchhoff's laws, ohmic resistance, elementary methods for the analysis of plane resistance networks; Gaussian algorithm for the solution of linear systems of equations, power at equal quantities, power adaptation; superposition principle, source equivalences, controlled sources; node voltage system as basis for the numerical description of general electrical circuits; consideration of ideal voltage sources and of controlled sources;
Applications: Calculation of short-circuit currents and simple circuits with operational amplifiers as controlled sources; Linear RLC circuits with stationary harmonic excitation: Time domain inductance and capacitance, pointer diagrams for AC circuits.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,

Exam (90 minutes) graded

Business Economics

Business Economics


Learning Outcomes:
The students acquire knowledge about work processes in a company. Students will be able to integrate into project teams and act responsibly. Students will have an overview of the different areas of general business administration and will be able to apply their basic instruments and methods. They are also able to understand and describe micro- and macroeconomic aspects of entrepreneurial activity.
The students are familiar with the essential subject areas of general business administration and know the functions and interrelations of business structures and processes. They understand the necessity of economics as a basis for entrepreneurial procedures and techniques and are able to assess and apply fundamental methods and instruments of business administration.
Students will understand the basic functioning of markets and will be able to apply fundamental methods of economics to microeconomic and macroeconomic issues. They will understand the macroeconomic relationships of goods, labour and money markets.

Companies (legal forms, typology, environment); tasks, measures and methods of the operational functional areas; operational performance and financial processes; basics of accounting; functioning of markets, price formation; role of companies and the state in the market economy; growth and business cycle; monetary and financial systems; project management block seminar.

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,

Exam (90 minutes) graded




Overall Objective:
Students will acquire a solid foundation in computer science and programming.
The following modules contribute to the overall goal:
- Programming
- Object-oriented systems
- Software Engineering

Objective of this module:
Students will have the basic understanding of how a computer works and implementation of programming concepts.

- Operation of a von Neumann calculator.
- Representation of numbers in a computer
- Memory management, stack and heap
- Conversion of tasks into modular programs Introduction to a higher programming language:
- Derived and compound data structures (pointers, fields, strings, structures)
- High-level file operations
- Definition (prototype) and calling of functions (call-by-value and call-by-reference),
- Recursive functions
- Functions as programming modules and stepwise refinement as a design principle for functions

Type of teaching and language of instruction:
Lecture with exercises and exam preparation,
Lab work,

The curriculum for the degree programme and detailed descriptions of the programme modules are contained in the Module Catalogue.

Course Syllabi Computer Engineering (B.Eng.) (German Version)


At the end of the Computer Engineering degree program, you will receive a Bachelor of Engineering degree. Due to the practical experience from the internship semester and the very good engineering education, you have good chances to start your career.

After graduating in Computer Engineering, you will work as an engineer in the position of a specialist or manager. You will work on specific and complex problems in the field of computer science and information technology.

Thanks to the methods and skills you have acquired, you will be able to solve new technically complex problems independently and as part of a team. You will implement software systems with interfaces to machines and systems on the one hand and to the people operating them on the other.

You will find your challenge in the planning, development and programming of embedded systems in areas such as automotive and aerospace engineering, the consumer goods industry or the automation industry.



With this emphasis, you will work on important issues related to the ability to perceive the operational environment of autonomous systems. You will also have to design and develop the action planning and action execution for autonomous systems based on this.


With this focus, you will work on issues regarding the networking of embedded systems and the resulting challenges. For example, security against unauthorized access. You have the necessary knowledge to be able to methodically implement complex distributed real-time systems.


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Your personal contactContact us

Prof. Dr. Jörg Friedrich

Wednesday, 13:00 - 14:00 o'clock

Tel: +49 711 397-4218
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