Prof. Dr. h.c. Manfred R. Kuehnle

Graduate 1953

1953 - 1958 Design Engineer for camera systems at KODAK Germany and Rochester, NY. Development and construction of the Minicard data storage system.
1958 - 1963 Manager Advanced Technologies Department of ITEK Corporation, an aerospace corporation. Development of the first high-resolution optical reconnaissance satellite.
1963 - 1968 Vice President Engineering of DASA Corporation, a telecommunications company.
Telefax and storage telephones.
1968 - 1972 President and Director of Research of AUDAC Corporation.
Development of the first automatic credit card verification system and of machine-readable cards with optical and magnetic stripes.
1972 - 1985 President and CEO of Coulter Systems Corporation.
Development of new materials and products for the graphic arts industry.
Digital image processing with laser exposure.
Invention of colour copiers and of the photographic film for multiple use.
Guest lectures at the MIT.
Since 1985 Chairman and CEO of XMX Corporation.
Electronic image processing and printing technology.
Nanoparticle thin-film coatings, three-dimensional gearbox kinematics, spiral motor.
Foundation of several companies.
KMPI magnetophoretic particle injection.
1985 Awarded the honorary degree Dr.h.c. by the Eurotechnical Research University
1988 Appointment as Associate Professor at the Shenyang University in China

He holds over 600 national and international patents


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