Research directors at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences:
Research assistants:
Johanna Kohler, M.A.; Kai Nolde, M.A.; Florian Neuscheler M.A.; Oliver Honer
Research assistants:
01.3.2019 – 28.02.2022
Funding institution:
BMFSFJ im Bundesprogramm „Demokratie leben!“
Collaboration partners:
„Wegweiser“, Präventionsprogramm des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
Brief description:
The “Wendezeit” project is undertaking an empirical investigation of the development and the backgrounds to the abandonment processes of so-called ‘islamist’ attitudes. Of primary interest here are disassociations which are already taking place in the phases of affinitisation and consolidation. For comparative purposes, renunciation movements in the later phases of fundamentalisation and militancy will be included as well. The methodology of the study is qualitative reconstructive and longitudinal in design. Interviews are conducted with people who are going through (or have been through) abandonment processes, and in selected cases, people from the respondent’s circle of contacts and case workers, too, are interviewed and document analyses are carried out. A close collaboration between practical application and research in concept development, execution, evaluation and dissemination aims to achieve an immediate practical use as well as an enhancement of academic knowledge in the sense of a transformation of the knowledge on both sides.
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