Land in Sicht! (Land ahoy!) Innovative training to seize the democratic initiative
Research directors at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences: Prof. Dr. Kurt Möller
Research assistants: Johanna Kohler, M.A. Soziale Arbeit; Kai Nolde, M.A. Soziologie
Research assistants: Josua Stoll, Celine Lebherz; N.N.
Duration: 01.03.2017–31.12.2019
Funding institution:
- Bundesprogramm „Demokratie leben!“
- Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
- Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH
- Akademie der Jugendarbeit Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Jugendfreizeitstätten (AGJF) Sachsen, Chemnitz
- Europäisches Integrationszentrum (EIZ) Rostock, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Evangelische Landjugendakademie Altenkirchen, Rheinland-Pfalz
- Kompetenzzentrum Kinder- und Jugendbeteiligung Brandenburg (kijubb) / Sozialpädagogisches Fortbildungsinstitut Berlin-Brandenburg (SFBB)
- Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Sachsen-Anhalt, Magdeburg
Brief description:
"Land in Sicht!" develops, provides and evaluates innovative advanced education and training measures for specialists working in social services and education, and other players, too, on how to deal with undemocratic attitudes, generalising rejections, discrimination and violence. The project is realised as a collaboration between Esslingen University of Applied Sciences and six collaborative partners in different rural regions of Germany. Its key objective is to contribute to an optimisation of concepts, processes, structures and the result utilisation of past responses to problematic issues in the above topic field by means of novel, problem-based, needs-based and addressee-based measures, their evaluation and transfer.
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