Double degree at Tongji University, China
What is the CDHAW?
The Chinese-German University of Applied Sciences (CDHAW) was founded in 2004 at Tongji University in Shanghai. A consortium of 31 German Universities of Applied Sciences – including Esslingen University of Applied Sciences – and the University of Tongji share responsibility for it. The courses offered by the CDHAW cover Automotive Engineering, Mechatronics, Building Services Engineering and Engineering Management and are for Chinese and German students.
Approx. 50,000 students are currently studying at Tongji University. Since the winter semester 2009/10, CDHAW accepts German students who want to gain their Bachelor of Engineering double degree in Shanghai.
Studying and living in China
Global markets require global education and training. The semesters you spend abroad in China enable you to meet this requirement and increase your already excellent employment prospects. The double degree offered by this programme provides you with both a good scientific grounding in an international environment and training which is of great practical relevance.
At Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, we support you as you acquire specialist and methodological knowledge and teach you social competences at the same time. A basic knowledge of Chinese gained at the Institute of Foreign Languages and intercultural seminars complete your preparations. The course “Sprache und Kultur – Leben in China (Language and culture – living in China)” at the CDHAW is the ideal start to your year abroad. Your next move is to study at the CDHAW in Shanghai and write your Bachelor thesis in China. The lectures in China are offered in English or German in the winter semester only. A basic knowledge of Chinese is recommended nevertheless to make life outside the university easier.
Study of automotive engineering B.Eng and Automotive Systems B.Eng.
- Students Automotive Engineering SPO 6 or Vehicle Systems SPO: Successful completion of all study and examination achievements from the 1st to the 6th semester including the module Social Competence, except for the elective modules and both electives (subjects from the CDHAW can be recognized here for 2 to a maximum of 28 ECTS)
Option: Upon application, Project II can be taken at the CDHAW and recognized at the HE.

- Basic knowledge of Chinese is recommended. The double degree lectures at CDHAW Tongji are held in English or German.
How to apply
Further information on the double degree can be found on the Website of the International Office which also contains a detailed description of the application process.
Academic coordinator Outgoings
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Brunner
Faculty Programme Manager
International Office
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