Autonomous Driving (M.Eng.) (part-time degree programme)

General Information

Esslingen University of Applied Sciences added a further degree programme to its portfolio in the winter semester 2019/20 - the cutting-edge field of autonomous driving. This part-time Master’s degree is offered by the Faculty of Mobility and Technology. The Master’s degree in autonomous driving is a collaborative project of the University Federation SouthWest Germany. Esslingen University of Applied Sciences is responsible for the specialist content, the Graduate Campus Aalen is responsible for the organisation.

Autonomous driving is becoming a reality and is the main issue for numerous OEMs and suppliers. The development of automated vehicles requires factual and methodological knowledge from various specialist disciplines. Our Master programme is the best possible preparation for these challenges.
The degree programme is aimed at engineers with a first degree in a technical subject and graduates from the fields of IT, business information systems, physics or mathematics.

The programme is offered once a year starting in September, the application deadline is 15 July of that year. The programme takes four semesters (2 years) and awards 90 ECTS Credits.

Further information and the registration forms can be found on the website of Graduate Campus Aalen.

Scientific manager

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Gunther Schaaf

Program degree management

Karen Huep
Telefon: +49(0)7361/576-1453

More Information

Degree Programme Leaflet (German Version)

Facts and Figures - at a glance

Degree awardedMaster of Engineering (M.Eng.)
FacultyMobility and Technology
CampusEsslingen City Centre Campus
Number of semesters4
Language of instructionGerman

For the winter semester: from AprAprAprApr 2525 to JulJulJulJul 1515

Information on admission requirements
  • University degree in a technical or natural sciences discipline
  • Degree with an ECTS Credit of at least 210 Credits. If the degree awards less than 210 Credits, the difference must be made up during the degree programme
  • Relevant professional experience gained after obtaining your first degree, usually of at least one year’s duration.
  • Programme starts: every winter semester
  • Closing deadline for applications: 15 July of every year.

The exam regulations for external students can be found at “Modules”.


Sensor technology, algorithmics incl. machine learning, IT security, vehicle and mobility concepts, ethical/legal aspects

Target groupsEngineers with a technical first degree & graduates from the Departments of Computer Science, Business Informatics, Physics or Mathematics

Application/ Admission

Admission requirements

  • University degree in a technical or natural sciences discipline
  • Degree with an ECTS Credit of at least 210 Credits. If the degree awards less than 210 Credits, the difference must be made up during the degree programme
  • Final grade of normally better than 2.5
  • Relevant professional experience gained after obtaining your first degree, usually of at least one year’s duration.

The exam regulations for external students can be found at “Modules”.


Applications must be submitted to the Graduate Campus Aalen University of Applied Sciences. Closing date for applications is 15 July every year.


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