Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)

We are happy to offer a faculty-led Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) to our partner universities. The BIP includes both a physical activity and a virtual period.

The goal of the programme is that students should become more familiar with topics related to Management and Technology.

What should the BIP foster

  • development of transnational and transdisciplinary curricula
  • innovative ways of learning and teaching
  • online collaboration
  • research-based learning

BIPs provide an opportunity to reach out to new groups of students, for example those in study fields where mobility opportunities have been limited or those who lack confidence to go abroad alone.

Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)

Facts and figures

Academic content

"Pedal to Success - A Case Study along the Global Value Chain in Bike Manufacturing" for Management Students

The goal of the programme is that students should become more familiar with topics like:
- Procurement /SAP
- Production /Logistics
- Marketing & Sales
- Data Management
- Finance & Investment
- Systems Thinking

Participating universities

University of Zaragoza (Spain) - confirmed
Estonian Entrepreneurship UAS (Estonia) - confirmed
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - VILNIUS TECH (Lithuania) - confirmed
Karelia UAS (Finland) - confirmed
Politechnika Gdańska (Poland) - confirmed


How many students and lecturers from each university can participate?

5 students per partner institution
Students can be accompanied by  academic advisors


Esslingen and Göppingen
Accommodation: Esslingen (next airport Stuttgart is 30 minutes away by bus)

Dates of the physical period

07. April- 12. April 2025

Arrival: 06. April 2025
Departure: 13. April 2025

Dates of the virtual period before the mobility

17. March 2025 - 05. April 2025 (20 days)


The BIP will be held in English.

Fees for students receiving Erasmus scholarship
210€ (including lunch and accommodation)

The fee also includes:
Company visits
Social activities

What about the costs?

The sending partner universities from EU countries can use Erasmus KA131 to cover travel costs and living expenses of their participants.
The cultural porgramme, excursions and lunch breaks are free of charge.

How many ECTS will be awarded?

3  Credits

What is the workload for the students?

90 hours (50 hours online + 40 hours physical)

Online Learning Agreement (OLA)

Each student has to complete an Online Learning Agreement (OLA). You can find out what data you have to enter from your coordinator at your home university.

Transcript of Records

The Transcript of Records (ToR) will be handed out on the last day of the physical period.

Preliminary programme in Esslingen and Göppingen

Official Programme: 07.04. - 12.04.2025

Arrival: 06.04.2025
Departure: 13.04.2025

The programme is continuously updated.

Sunday, 06.04.2025

When: Check-in is available from 04:00 pm to 08:00 pm. There is only one key per apartment available, but the key can be deposited in a key box outside the apartment. Each resident will receive the code to open and lock the key box. If you want to check-in later than 08:00 pm please let us know, so that we can share the code with you.
Where: The appartments are located in Blumenstraße 58 oder Olgastraße 20, 73728 Esslingen.We will let you know in good time which apartment you have been allocated to.

We cordially invite you to a Welcome Pub Meeting. Our academic and administrative BIP Coordinators will have a glass of beer with you.
When: 08:00 pm
Where: Karmeliter, Obertorstr. 8, 73728 Esslingen

Monday, 07.04.2025
When Where What
09:45 am - 11:00 am Esslingen Campus, Hilltop Campus, Flandernstraße 101, 73732 Esslingen Registration
11:00 am - 12:30 am   Welcome by the Faculty Management and Technology
12:30 am - 12:45 pm   Group Photo
01:00 pm - 02:00 pm University Cafeteria Lunch
02:00 pm - 04:30 pm   Lecture: "Procurement /SAP"
04:30 pm - 05:00 pm   transfer to downtown Esslingen
05:00 pm - 06:30 pm Downtown Esslingen guided city tour through the medieval old town of Esslingen

Tuesday, 08.04.2025
When Where What
09:30 am -  04:30 pm excursion: factory tour / company visit Lecture: "Production / Logistics"

Wednesday, 09.04.2025
When Where What
10:00 am - 12:30 am Göppingen Campus, Robert-Bosch-Straße 1, 73037 Göppingen Lecture: "Data Management"
12:30 pm - 01:30 pm University Cafeteria Lunch
01:30 pm - 04:00 pm Göppingen Campus Lecture: "Marketing & Sales"

Thursday, 10.04.2025
When Where What
10:00 am - 12:30 am Esslingen Campus, Hilltop Campus, Flandernstraße 101, 73732 Esslingen Lecture: "Finance & Investment"
12:30 pm - 01:30 pm University Cafeteria Lunch
01:30 pm - 04:00 pm   Lecture: "Systems Thinking"
04:00 pm - 05:30 pm   Gamification
05:30 pm  - 07:30 pm   International Night (free of charge)
(Please bring pastries from your home country)

Friday, 11.04.2025
When Where What
09:00 am - 01:00 am Esslingen Campus, Hilltop Campus, Flandernstraße 101, 73732 Esslingen Final Group Sessions
01:00 pm - 02:00 pm University Cafeteria Lunch
02:00 pm - 04:30 pm   Group Presentations
04:30 pm - 05:00  pm   Transcript of Records awarding ceremony
08:00 pm - 00:00 am Joe Pena`s Cantina y Bar, Kollwitzstraße 1, Im Dick Areal, 73728 Esslingen. Farewell@Joe Penas: Salsa, Merengue, Bachata y Kizomba

Saturday, 12.04.2025
When Where What
Full day excursion (free of charge) Meeting Point: At the International Office, Kanalstraße 12/1, Building 17, 73728 Esslingen, Building 17 Excursion

Sunday, 13.04.2025


Check-out by 10:00 am

Online period

Online Period 17.03.2025 - 05.04.2025 (20 Days- Workload 50 hours)

Date Time What Who Where
17.03.2025                      06:00 pm - 06:30 pm                                            

Welcome by the Faculty of Management and Technology
Presentation of Esslingen University
Introduction to the Schedule of the BIP                                                             

Dean of the Faculty                   webex                                             
  06:30 pm -06:45 pm

How to use "BWSync&Share"
an online storage service where you can find your material for your self-study

International Coordinator of the Faculty webex
  06:45 pm - 07:15 pm

Introduction to the Case Study: "Pedal to Success":

Introduction to your task in self-study
Explanation of a quiz task as an indication of your working on the self-study material

  07:15 pm - 07h30 pm Questions and Answers Project Coordinators webex
  07h30 pm - open end Your chance to get to know each other online w/o Project Coordinators


by 05.04.2025 11:59 pm Successful completion of your quiz task    

Participation in the virtual events and lectures is compulsory.

If you are unable to attend on this day, please let us know so that we can arrange an alternative date.


Accommodation for students

We have rented 5 apartments in Esslingen very close to the university. The apartments are very modern and comortable with fast WIFI, bathrooms, kitchen and terrace. Two or three students have to share a bedroom. Please follow the link to see the apartments:

Of course, students can also book a hotel on their own responsibility but we recommend to take advantage of the offer, because that way they can get to know and network with each other. Of course, we will take gender separation into account.

How to apply for accomodation

We will ask about the registration of students and in this context they will have to register to a place in the apartments.


Students who receive an Erasmus scholarship must pay a contribution to the accommodation costs over the fee of €210 before arrival.
It is not possible to book accommodation for single days only, it has to be booked for the whole week.

Arrival 06.04.2025

After your individual transfer from the airport to the apartments by bus or train our student tutors will suppport you with check-in. Check-in is available from 04:00 pm. There is only one key per apartment available, but the key can be deposited in a key box outside the apartment. Each resident will receive the code to open and lock the key box.

Departure 13.04.2025

You will have to leave your room by 10:00 am at the latest. Our student tutors will suppport you with check-out.

Accommodation for Teachers Or STAFF

We recommend to stay in the Hotel ECOINN in Esslingen very close to the university (right on the Campus City Centre).

Nomination and application

Nomination by the sending institution

Preliminary nomination by November 27th, 2024

The peliminary nomination does not have to contain names. It is sufficient to specify the number of students and the number of teachers or staff you want to send. Please send your nomination to io-shortprograms[at]
Esslingen University will inform you by November 29th whether your group can take part in the BIP.

Final Nomination by December 9th, 2024

Please send your nomination list to

The nominations must include:


First name
Family name
e-mail address

Lecturers First name
Family name
e-mail address
Academic Coordinator at the sending institution                                                                                                                         First name
Family name
e-mail address
Selection by Esslingen University

Deadline December 13th, 2024

We will complete the selection of the participating universities by December 13th and inform the coordinators of the sending institutions about the results.
The selected students and lecturers will receive the link to the online application and information on the Mobility Agreements (OLA / Teaching Agreement / Training Agreement).

Application by students, lecturers and staff

Deadline January 6th, 2025

Students, lecturers and staff are required to register in our online database by January 6th, 2025.

Blended Intensive Programm

Eine Neuerung in der Erasmus+ Programmgeneration 2021-2027 stellen die Blended-Intensive-Programmes (BIP) dar. Durch diese soll die Nutzung innovativer Lern- und Lehrmethoden gefördert und die Möglichkeiten der Online-Kooperation genutzt werden.

Die Entwicklung kurzer, intensiver und gemeinsamer Curricula und -Aktivitäten soll Studierenden (SM) und Hochschulmitarbeitern (ST) die Möglichkeit bieten, an einer kurzen physischen Gruppenmobilität (5-30 Tage) kombiniert mit virtueller Phase teilzunehmen. Die Dauer der virtuellen Mobilitätsphase ist nicht vorgegeben und kann nach Bedarf variieren. Die physische Mobilität kann an der aufnehmenden Einrichtung oder an einem anderen Ort im Gastland/ Aufnahmeland durchgeführt werden.

An einem BIP müssen mindestens 15 Lernende (Studierenden und/oder Hochschulmitarbeiter) partizipieren. Geförderte Studierende sollten dabei mindestens 3 ECTS erzielen können. BIPs umfassen sowohl virtuelle Komponenten als auch eine physische Phase.

Für die konzeptionelle Ausarbeitung bedarf es mindestens 3 ECHE-Hochschulen aus 3 unterschiedlichen Programmländern. Weitere Hochschulen oder Organisationen aus Programm- oder Partnerländern können optional an einem BIP teilnehmen. Der physische Aufenthalt von Teilnehmenden aus Partnerländern muss von den entsendenden Institutionen finanziert werden.

Die Fakultät Wirtschaft und Technik bietet ab dem Hochschuljahr 2023/24 ein Blended Intensive Programme (BIP)  an. Mehr Informationen finden Sie auf der englischsprachigen Website:

Your personal contactContact us

Academic contact


Administrative contact
